Monday, October 24, 2011

Magic Spiritual Formula: TOLERANCE

"It takes all sorts to make a world". You are bound to agree on this point. In spite of appearances, "criminals" are not all bad. And don't forget either that defenders of the law and morality are not all good. Learn to respect other people's opinions, even if they clash with your own. You may be different from someone else, but you are not necessarily any better or worse. Everyone is a unique individual.

Learn to respect others, as you'd like them to respect you. Try, from now on, to be more indulgent towards others.

Generally respect others for all they represent as citizens of the World.

Here are some formulas to repeat, to train yourself to be more tolerant:

I am an open and tolerant human being.

I am developing more and more respect for other people's points of view.

Everyone has the right to choose, and I happily respect that right.

I no longer expect others to rigorously share my point of view.

I am becoming less and less inclined to criticise others on the slightest pretext.
On the contrary, I am becoming more and more tolerant
over their mistakes and failures.

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