Thursday, October 27, 2011

Magic Spiritual Formula: COMPASSION

What is compassion? It's a state of mind that enables us to sympathise with the suffering of others (human beings and animals too). Or it's a feeling that makes us sensitive to other people's pain. And above all, compassion implies helping others to bear their sufferings more easily.

Instead of just feeling sorry for any loved-ones who have problems, try to reassure them with your presence, your human warmth, your thoughts and words of hope and joy. Then in times of trouble, they should immediately feel comforted, and really appreciate your presence.

On the other hand, don't think that you are behaving insensitively if you refuse to share the gloom of melancholy people.

Far from it - if you refuse to dwell on the negative side of life, and make a habit of being optimistic, you will unlock the door to a happier future for others and for yourself too.

This is simply because you are applying one of the great laws of the Universe: the one that says: all the good you wish on others, you also wish on yourself!

And this is why compassion
is a great "Magic Spiritual Formula".

Of course for this law to work, you have to be totally sincere.

(Do you also see the importance of Forgiveness here? If, in the past, you have wished harm on someone who has harmed you, it's rather as though you had wished harm on yourself, which is a disaster. (You are trapping yourself in a vicious circle).

Is your greatest wish to free yourself from your sufferings, from your problems, and to live happily? Of course it is!

And it's the same for all other human beings. Just like you, they want to be happy. You have good reasons therefore to show compassion every time you get the chance to.

When you are walking down the street and meet a stranger who is suffering (someone who is injured, handicapped, poverty-stricken) share his or her pain deep inside yourself. In your mind, wish passionately that this person will get better, be lucky, find happiness and love. Do this with all the sincerity you are capable of, remembering that you are also wishing this happiness on yourself.

Here is scientific proof that what I'm telling you is true: a psychologist showed a group of students a film about the work of Mother Theresa in India. Faced with the suffering of these wretched people, the students felt real compassion. But the astonishing thing was that an analysis of their saliva, after the screening, showed that they had secreted an antibody that helps to combat lung disease.

Other studies have been carried out by other universities. It has been observed that volunteers who regularly work with others in a warm and compassionate way, gain a great deal from it themselves: their morale is better, they are enthusiastic, more aware of their own worth, have more general vitality and, it seems, a distinctly greater life expectancy.

And these are only the quantifiable physical benefits. Make a habit of showing sincere compassion in your life, and you will soon see what benefits it will bring you: peace of mind, joy, satisfaction, etc …

If you are compassionate towards others, you will help to make the world a better place, and become much more closely connected with your natural intuition. You are going to learn to sense more and more things with your heart and at the same time you will find it much easier to "feel" inside what is right or wrong for you.

Exercise No.1:

Try to remember a scene in which someone was feeling great sorrow. Try to feel in your own heart what this person was experiencing. Let all your emotions come pouring out from deep inside you. Let yourself go for two or three minutes. When you can really empathise with this person's pain in your thoughts and feelings, imagine what you would want people to say to comfort you, if you really were in this person's shoes.

Now imagine approaching this person and trying, through your actions and words, to relieve his/her suffering. Slip your arm around his/her shoulder, say something positive, something hopeful. Do this meditation exercise two or three times a week.

Exercise No. 2:

Every time you see anyone suffering (someone who is handicapped, or shunned by the world for example) silently project thoughts of love and compassion towards these wretched people. Wish that their circumstances will improve, from the very bottom of your heart.

Don't forget that the test of true compassion is the depth of emotion you feel. So if you feel the urge to, don't hesitate to offer people a few words of comfort, or at least a sincere smile and friendly "hello".

It doesn't really matter how you display it, it's the sincerity of your intentions that counts most. Give it a try and you will soon discover that the more you "give to others", the more you will receive yourself!

Formulas to repeat to train yourself to be compassionate:

It's easy for me to feel compassion for others.

Whatever compassion I feel is felt for me by the Universe.

The compassion in me is freeing me from the past,
connecting me with my intuition, and bringing me health, joy and happiness.

This is a secret that few people know:
True compassion results in intuition of the strongest and most effective kind.

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