Thursday, October 6, 2011

Can you have a strong "Power of Attraction" even if you don't match the codes of beauty that society imposes on us every day?

The answer is YES, you certainly can!

More often than you think, a woman that fashion journalists might call "no beauty" can be more attractive than a woman with perfect features. How?

Because real beauty is not just physical!

It also hinges on our attitude: our bodies, our faces, betray our feelings, even the most secret.

Take for example a very pretty woman on a day when she's feeling sad and gloomy. She walks along with her shoulders down, her body bent. She has absolutely no sparkle...

Then imagine, by contrast, a woman whose looks are average on a day when she's really happy. She's just received some good news, she's smiling, her step is light, her face is raised and she looks at the people she passes with genuine sympathy.

Everything about her sparkles!...

Which of these two women will seem the most attractive if you pass them in the street? Which would you prefer to have as a friend?

The answer is obvious!

Yes, real beauty comes from inside too: everyone has their own charm, their own appeal, which stems above all from their personality and also their spirituality.

Inner beauty is based first and foremost on love - a love of other people, a love of things, a feeling for beauty. It means being able to see the simple joys around you.

As far as mere physical beauty is concerned, it has to be said that the fashion industry exerts terrible pressure and claims lots of innocent victims. Adverts are always worshipping beauty and too many people end up losing their self-assurance or developing complexes.

They attach far too much importance to a minor physical defect which is in fact hardly noticeable, but becomes amplified in their mind as they compare themselves with the prevailing beauty codes.

Yet fashions are always changing. If you need convincing, just flip through some fashion magazines that are a few years old.

The "official" beauty criteria (promoted by adverts) vary from era to era and from country to country.

Believe me, you will do yourself a big favour if you learn to disassociate yourself from the aesthetic prejudices that the fashion industry tries to impose.

So, to increase your "Natural Power of Attraction", you need to  highlight your purely individual assets, and as I keep telling you, you have lots more of them than you imagine.

Choose to impress everyone using your personality instead!

You hold the secret of your own personal charm.

Fortunately, you simply need to learn how to revive it!

You simply need to learn to develop that strong and inimitable "Natural Power of Attraction" which comes from inside...

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