Monday, October 31, 2011

I am at one with the Spirit in me

"My Inner Guide is always with me,
I feel its power surrounding me and protecting me".

"My Inner Guide can help me in all things,
And enable me to swiftly make the right decisions".

Whatever external circumstances you are in, never doubt your Inner Guide. During your period of "transformation" it could be that you will still have to face some "nasty surprises". These apparent injustices are necessary to "unlock the door" to better days.

Certain things will have to come to an end so that other, better ones can begin. Remember that the road to prosperity is never completely blocked. There is always an unsuspected way through, although it may not be visible yet.

It's possible that this road will seem to lead you in the opposite direction to where you want to go. But have faith in your Inner Guide: it knows what is right for you. If you feel you have reached an "impasse", repeat these phrases:

"When one door closes, another door opens".

"When one stream dries up, another more
abundant stream always emerges".

To gain more and more from life,
begin by establishing your essential needs.

If all you want to do is to amass possessions so that you can dazzle those around you and satisfy your vanity (your ego) you won't get very far.

There's no need to impress others. There's no merit in this kind of attitude, and your "Inner Guide" won't help you in this kind of way.

Be honest with yourself, and with your "Inner Guide", and begin by making a clear and reasonable assessment of your true needs.

Needs like: a better place to live, a better job, a reasonable sum of money to pay off some debts are good ideas for a start.

Write down precisely what you require. Wherever possible, choose an aim, an objective that is not only beneficial to you, but beneficial to someone else at the same time (to bring the law of giving-receiving into play).

The Plentiful Universe can meet all the requests you put to it, using your "Inner Guide" as an intermediary.

Let's imagine that you are in need of a particular sum of money...

Note the amount clearly on a little sheet of paper. Stare at this sheet for a few moments. Close your eyes (or you can leave them open if you prefer) continuing to see the amount you are asking for.

Feeling totally relaxed, repeat the following phrase in your head:

"Infinite Intelligence, show me the way to Prosperity. Guide me towards the sum of £… to which I have a divine right. Let this money be beneficial to me and to all those who profit by it and take a share of it."

When you have received this sum by some unexpected means, you will have proof that you are a channel through which Prosperity flows. To increase the flow of Prosperity, use the law of "giving and receiving". Give away a portion of this money that you have unexpectedly acquired.

As you give, say this phrase:

"May this money constantly grow, both for the
person I'm giving it to, and for me.
Infinite Intelligence, I thank you for your help".

Do the same thing for every request. Say:

"Infinite Intelligence, I need...(state what you require).
I want to have it now. Please grant it to me,
by your grace and perfect means".

If the reply is slow in coming, trustingly repeat your request, and add:

"Give me clear and precise insights. Show me what I must do to receive....... ".

Then wait from some clear indications.

From now on, keep a watch on your thoughts.

You now understand that the Infinite Intelligence of the Universe constantly brings to life everything you think, imagine, feel.

Everything begins in your own mind.

Your life today is the result of your past thoughts.

Your future existence will be the result of what you will be thinking, of what you will be seeing in your mind from now on.

Remember that all your unconscious fears pull towards you the very things you dread. It is therefore really important to make an effort to "police" your negative thoughts. As soon as a negative thought enters your head, say: 

"I deny this negative thought, it has no place in the Universe".

Instantly replace it with a positive thought, or with a firm belief that your request is being fulfilled.

Have faith and confidence in your "Inner Guide", the Infinite Intelligence that resides in you. Keep telling it that you believe in its power to guide you.

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