Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Magic Spiritual Formula: CIRCUMSPECTION

Circumspection is the prudence, reticence, discernment you should show in your judgements about other people.

An old Indian adage says that you cannot judge the worth or the acts of a man until you have walked in his moccasins for at least 10 days. This proverb is very pertinent: it's often difficult to understand why someone says or does a certain thing, or why they have become what they are.

If you feel tempted to make a rather hasty judgement about someone, then you should obey this other saying: "count to ten before you speak". And during this time, ask yourself how you would have reacted if you had been in that person's place, if you had been through what they have been through.

It's not a matter of excusing everybody's attitudes or mistakes, but of making a sincere effort to understand them better and, if possible, to help them to progress by passing on some of the secrets I'm revealing to you, if you feel it would be useful.

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