Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I am unique; a concept to work on

My interest lies in a particular person – me. I want get to know myself – and I am keen to know who I am meeting. My interest only lay in other people up to now. Other people’s stories fascinated me, I believed their "stories" and often felt uninteresting and unhappy. I felt hurt and boring. I could not imagine that they too were perhaps unhappy, hurt or disappointed. Fulfilling my life story depends on me alone. I must find my life story. My first task is to find it: Who am I? When I have the answer I can turn to something else.

I often try to listen to my inner voice, it tells me to be independent and asks me to find my own life path in our society and to follow it. However, when I feel that I don’t belong and that I am an outsider, I then feel a voice inside that tells me "be like the others". So I must be aware that "I am unique". I am inspired by my uniqueness as a creature under the sun.

I would like to be regarded and appreciated by others as a unique being. As a human being who does not constantly change myself and who has a form. While many others wish to be like the rest, I am happy to be different. Nobody asked me if I wanted to come into this world. Through my birth, I was born into my family and this world. My parents gave me life and thus showed a lot of confidence in me to dedicate this life to happiness. With this confidence it is now up to me to decide whether I am ashamed of this world or whether I am grateful that I can be here. When I feel weak and miserable, I often forget my strengths. Why is that? Am I too often reminded of my weaknesses? Do I see myself as a loser? From now on I want to think about my strengths. I become aware of my abilities. I will use these abilities again and improve my strengths and power. I know that great potential still lies dormant within me. I will find it and make use of it. I want to once and for all stop being intimidated by other people’s strengths and successes.

Living means growing. As part of nature I grow daily and improve as a result. I feel energy, passion and change. I turn towards the light. Towards the light of the sun and the light of the kindness that I carry inside me. My body is fully-grown. My mind, my self-confidence, my talents keep growing. I realise, when I hear my inner voice and listen to it, that I have become aware of these thoughts. I leave the prison of old structures and turn my eyes to the horizon. I sense infinite freedom, space and the gentle breeze of the sea on my skin. I see the powerful shining light of the morning sun. It leads me to a welcome discovery. I alone bear responsibility for my life. The time when I hid behind others is over. I make decisions even if others do not agree with them. I will do what I think is right. Perhaps some friends will turn their back on me for this reason, if they no longer see that I am dependent and helpless. But then do friends really want to make decisions for me? I have looked after myself for a while now and have discovered new and interesting things. I have freed myself of unnecessary burdens. I am the only one with these thoughts.

I often think about myself. And I have often asked myself the same question: am I always myself? Or am I simply the result of myself? We have discovered and investigated so much, and yet there are still so many questions, like: am I always myself? We have very rarely an answer to that, or perhaps none at all!

Perhaps I would like to convince myself, perhaps because then I will most certainly believe that I will never change. I am unique, without a doubt, but there are so many other people in the world. My feelings, my knowledge and actions change over time - am I not somebody else then? And if I think about the present, I often become pensive and I no longer know what is right and wrong. It seems to me that I knew it then, that I just can’t think of it and have forgotten it. But that's not true. I suddenly believed I had the feeling that I could change myself. And I tried to remember who I was. But I soon noticed that it was time and the world around me that soon changed and not me. And I went along with them. I adapt. Am I not just like everyone else? Do I above all else want to be like other people, or do I simply want to be and act myself? If only I could lock up the real me – inside me, so that I would never again forget who I am. Will I, however, get stronger with the thought of always being myself? Or will the thought of being locked up inside make me weaker? I will be free. But there are limits and I know how far I should go, and what I can risk. Nevertheless, it is not true to say that we will always remain the same we can only suppose it. My development is unique because only I have these thoughts. I understand life. I draw wisdom from it to get a little bit closer every day.

Am I still myself, with my feelings, my actions? Or is there something that leads me into situations where I am not sure of anything, for example when I watch the news and hear about wars and peace negotiations? Will all this improve? Should we wait any longer? My opinion is formed somehow. I often let myself be inspired but seldom give way. It is because I am used to doing things my own way. It is natural for me. Everyone does that. It is called instinct. It is therefore only a presumption that I will always remain the same. I am unique in that way.

My character will certainly change somewhat when I find myself in new company, when I get to know new people. I, all of us, belong to this world. Every person, every creature, is part of me. I am thus not just myself, but made up of all of us. I am a link. I am always us, but in myself I am unique. If I sometimes share the same opinion as other people around me, or if I feel or think exactly the same as somebody else, I notice that, for example, when I think I am alone, I need somebody near to me who can look after me. And since other people surely often feel just like that, I know that we are not really so different in some regards. And thus I am unique.

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