Sunday, June 12, 2011

Rules for attracting money into your life

Wealth is a state in which we have something in abundance. The word ‘abundance’ is commonly used in reference to money but it can also be used for other equally important things – for example: love, free time, health, etc. These are other ‘forms’ of wealth (moral, emotional, intellectual) without which financial affluence would be just a cold and empty state governed solely by greed and the desire to possess more and more money.

This is a short explanation of how you can increase your financial wealth while at the same time acquiring other riches. Each of us possesses qualities, skills, gifts and talents with the potential to generate real financial prosperity – these are commonly called inner riches. Most people are unaware of the immense unexploited potential that lies dormant within them, which can actually be used to generate external wealth. 

This inner wealth consists in the talents given us by the Creator to allow us to achieve our destiny. It is also our hopes and dreams, the passions that drive us and give us the energy we need to pursue our goals and make our dreams a reality. If we are to exploit this individual potential there is one, essential rule that we must obey: we must have the appropriate "inner attitude" to money or, in other words, we must see money as something positive, as a useful tool for allowing us to satisfy our needs, to transform our dreams into reality.

Taking a positive attitude to money means acknowledging our inner wealth.

I am now going to reveal to you the secret rules and laws that will empower you to attract more money into your life. I have been using them for numerous years and, like many before me, I can say that they have contributed hugely to my financial prosperity. They were passed to me by a spiritual master and they are infallible. This great Initiate taught me something fundamental about prosperity and abundance: money is the material manifestation of a spiritual force.

What does this mean? Firstly, it means that when you adopt the « right » state of mind, you « give off » specific vibrations that attract money. In other words, only the right state of mind generates the energy that can draw money towards you. It’s important to understand just how important this is in channelling the invisible cosmic currents that preside over the movement of money. So, if you want to become wealthy, or simply live a life free from want, you must assimilate this spiritual truth and make it a fundamental principle in your life.

What form does this right “state of mind’ take and how can it be developed?

What do you think is standing between you and wealth, ‘scuttling’ the attitude that will favour the arrival of money? Tell me, how many times have you said or heard the following ideas or similar: You can’t have your cake and eat it … money doesn’t grow on trees… or perhaps money is the source of all evil … and so on.

What are your beliefs about money?

Negative beliefs about money are the greatest obstacles to attracting it into your life. Money is simply energy; it is neither good nor bad. Rather, it is how we use it that makes it good or bad. Whether we like it or not, money is part of our life and we cannot survive solely on love!

I recommend that you take a pencil and paper and make a list of your beliefs. Make a list of thoughts and of concerns you have about money. This will help you to clarify your ideas about the energy it represents:

Do you believe that you deserve more money? Do you believe that rich people are all penny pinchers? Do you believe that if you have more money in life, you will attract bad friends?  Do you believe that if you are financially well off, your friends and your family will be jealous? Etc…

Take time to evaluate the extent of your beliefs and replace them with positive ones, like all the good things and all the good actions you could do with more money. Then, make a list of all the positive things and put it on your fridge so it is always on show to you!

In closing, remember one thing: In life, we don't have what we deserve, but what we believe we deserve!

Wealth is not a question of birth, of where you live, of what you do, of the colour of your eyes or your skin or even of the number of diplomas you have on the wall, even less so the money behind you. But, in any case, you have none.

What is it then?... Above all, it is a way of thinking!

If you do not change your thoughts about money, you will never have enough. Contrary to what you may have been told, poverty is not a virtue. If you really want to become rich, you will. But, to do it, you must think like a rich person, act like one, feel like one. Don’t be a slave to money, but instead think of it as your servant.

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