Monday, June 6, 2011

You are creating your own reality with your thoughts

The external reality is therefore the reflection, the natural extension of our internal world, coloured by your reflections, emotions and feelings.

So you’ll see the importance of thinking positively and not allowing negative thoughts to cross your mind.

Believe me, you’re going to reap immense rewards by taking care with your thoughts. At first it may seem strange, self-absorbed, or even impossible. In fact, the basis is very straightforward, and quite possible with a little vigilance and concentration.

     Thought is at the centre of everything  

Thought is fundamental because it is at the source of all creation and every event. Follow this advice: take care with your thoughts, each and every single one of them. Thought is precious and invaluable. Your success, in whatever area, is closely linked to the ‘quality’ of your thoughts.

Without your thoughts, nothing is possible, nothing exists, nothing will happen. This affirmation may well seem very banal, so simple you may find it hard to believe.

I can assure you, however, that if you had never doubted the creative power of your thoughts until now, if you had believed they had a very real power, you would have achieved many things in your life.

Your life would be one of prosperity and abundance, and you would most certainly be much happier than you are now.

If up until now you’ve been unaware of your thoughts and have suffered your fate without understanding the reason for your misfortune, don’t worry, because from now on you’re going to use your thoughts the right way.

In general, it’s not good to have negative thoughts: sooner or later, you’ll end up attracting unfortunate circumstances. There are some, very rare, people who think positively naturally, and they benefit without realising it from the creative power of their thoughts. Suddenly, nearing philosophical alchemy, there are favoured by Providence.

I advise you to ponder this truth:

  Every thought is like a seed that germinates, sprouts, grows, develops into a tree and bears fruit.

Fruits are invariably the product of the seed.
Each type of fruit has its own special type of seed. So you shouldn’t be surprised if, by planting a negative thought, you produce a negative event.

You need to select, to ‘filter’ your thoughts if you want good things to materialise in your life.

When, for example, you think: "I’ll never have enough money to do this or that", your subconscious mind records your thought, which reinforces your belief in your inability to attract wealth. This is in absolute accordance with the Law of Attraction: poverty attracts poverty, money attracts money.

The inevitable consequence is be that you will always be short of money…unless you change the way you think. Then, and then alone, will a very great number of things be possible for you.

The same is true whatever the area: love, money, health, luck, work…

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