Thursday, June 23, 2011

The secrets of Karma


You can find out about your past actions by looking at your current actions, since they are the fruit of your past karma.

There is only one, unique law of karma on earth: that of cause and effect.

Karma is a word that comes from Sanskrit, which is the oldest form of writing and language in the world. It comes from the civilization of the Vedas, the sacred writings of India, where it is considered to be the language of the Gods, of those who are no longer linked to the duality of opposites.

To find out about your future and your future lives, take a close look at what you do every day of the week, every night before going to sleep, look at and memorise what happens over the course of your day.

At the end of every day, examine your conscience, allowing your heart and your intuition to speak. They will tell you what you can do to make things better for you and for those around you. In this way, gradually, you will free yourself from your karma and build a positive future.

The best way to free yourself of negative links with your past is through the method non-attachment.

Non-attachment is like a fire that burns the subconscious impregnation of the past, and the feelings, emotions and thoughts associated with it.

Non-attachment does not mean being indifferent, but rather just relinquishing the fruits of your actions. Live your life the best way you can without seeking any benefit for yourself, knowing that a good deed will always have a positive impact on your life.

Where there is suffering, attachment is not far away, since attachment is the mother that gives birth to suffering.

Non-attachment expands the conscious mind of human beings and when your consciousness is united with the universal consciousness, it is no longer under the influence of karma, which is gradually dissolved. Although this person may still live in the world, he or she will no longer have any hold or influence over you and your past experiences will be consumed by the fire of wisdom.

The prayers of a sage are always answered, because he is exempt from karmic traces, he is free of ignorance. Place yourself at the service the divine and your wishes will be fulfilled, forget yourself and become ONE with the source of all things.

If, at certain times of the day, you can immerse yourself in a state of total communion with the great ONE and you make your request while in this state, you will always be heard, my friend.

Then, keep this energy within yourself and it will revitalise you, fill you with joy and drive all obstacles far away.

Always listen to your heart and your little inner voice, because they provide a constant link with the All-Powerful. God speaks to you through your heart and through your intuition. If you do this, you will gradually distance yourself from suffering and free yourself from the weight of your past.

You have nothing to fear, because if you follow the divine path, the path to freedom, you will always have what you need, because God will meet your needs, as a mother meets those of her children.

Here, then, is a meditation that I myself was taught by my Master and which has the power to dissolve negative karma. Recite it in your head, or out loud for ¼ of an hour at least, every day, do it with all your heart and you will be astonished with the results.


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