Thursday, June 16, 2011

Being aware of money leads to having money

You now know that you hold everything you need to become rich within you. You also know about the true nature of money, what pushes it away and the need to think positively about it.

You also need to develop the right state of mind, which means visualising your financial success in a sustainable ways.

Let me explain: achieving financial security is a process rather than a state. What’s the difference? A state refers to something impermanent, susceptible to change – ice, for example, which melts as the temperature rises above or falls below 0°Celsius.

This means that if you visualise wealth as a state, you will be permanently stressed – consciously or subconsciously – by the thought of losing it.

A process, on the other hand, accompanies you every inch of the way in your life, never leaves you. By opening up your heart and your mind to prosperity, you will build within yourself a feeling of wealth that nobody will be able to take from you.

Tell yourself that financial security is being able to look at yourself in the mirror at any time and see a worthy period you respect as a model to follow. Be convinced that Life has placed its divine spark in every human being. You can and should take back this amazing and unlimited wealth of creativity within you  and transform these inner spiritual riches into external, material benefits. You are here on Earth to lead a full and gratifying existence.

Allow me to entrust a great secret to you: true wealth is the fact of a turn of mind by which everything you need comes to you without any excessive effort, so that all your wishes are fulfilled. Wealth is part of reality and the aim of these pages you are reading is to help you to understand the nature of this reality.

It’s very important to understand that thoughts are actually energy impulses with the power to materialise in the material universe, for good or for bad. Just because these thoughts are invisible when they appear in your mind does not mean they won’t have any effect in the tangible world.

Here’s another major revelation: if you think about our past experiences of joy and sorrow, success and failure, wealth and poverty, it would seem that all these things just happen to us…but on a completely elementary basis (the thought-seed), it is in fact us who make them happen.

In fact, these experiences are the fruits the grow from the ‘thought-seeds’ that we sow, whether consciously or subconsciously: this means that when we think about such and such a thing in such and such a way, that defines the way it develops in the spirit world and subsequently manifests itself in a tangible way in the material world.

You must understand that the seeds of your destiny are contained in your thoughts and your feelings. This is how it works: by dint of our awareness, human beings possess everything; so an awareness of health means you will be healthy…And being aware of wealth leads to having wealth

Foster hope in the depths of your hearts as the most precious of all the divine gifts, because hope is the principle according to which what you hope for will determine the outcome. So, always hope for the best and you will see that the outcome is spontaneously contained in the hope.

Don’t harbour doubt, don’t become discouraged, have serene faith in the fact that money will flow into your life…and you will see how prosperity becomes a reality! Tell yourself that an occasional failure itself contains the seeds of success. Actually, failure does not even exist. What we call failure is nothing more than a mechanism which we can use to learn how to do things correctly.

Get used to thinking in terms of comfort, wealth and prosperity… and the best will come to you! People who are aware of wealth only aim for the very best there is. This is what we call the principle of the “best from the outset”. Travel first call from the start to the end of your journey, and the universe will give you its very best in return.

Most importantly, don’t say: I don’t deserve it … I don’t have the right…it’s good for other people but not for me…money is a bad thing, etc. Don’t put yourself down. Rid your mind once and for all of this type of negative thought that can only attract failure and problems.

You must gain the conviction that you have the right to be rich. You are on earth to lead a free and happy life. You should therefore have all the money you need for your existence to be prosperous.

There is absolutely no virtue in poverty. It’s just like any other mental illness and should be eradicated from the face of the Earth. I’m assuming that if you were physically ill, you would be concerned and seek medical attention wouldn’t you? In the same way, if you don’t have a sufficient and constant flow of money in your life, this will doubtless be because you are subconsciously blocking the circulation of the universal cosmic energy…and you need to re-establish its free circulation.

You are here to grow, to blossom both mentally, spiritually and materially. You have the inalienable right to express yourself and be fulfilled, to surround yourself with comfort and beauty. Why content yourself with so little, when you could enjoy the Immeasurable Riches?  By desiring financial security, you are aspiring to a fuller life; it’s a cosmic impulse and one that is good and perfectly legitimate.

One more thing: you should preferably cultivate a certain nonchalance towards money. This may seem paradoxical at first, but I guarantee that developing this attitude will be hugely advantageous to you.

Basically, being aware of wealth implies never worrying about money. If you allow your financial concerns to obsess you, you will remain in a situation of need.  Truly rich people never worry when they lose money because they know that it comes from an inexhaustible reserve.

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