Wednesday, June 8, 2011

All things are ready if our minds be so

   What would happen if, instead of thinking negatively, you said to yourself: "I am going to have enough money to buy a new car"...?

Well, the energy produced by your conscious thoughts will create astral forms that will enable the fulfilment of your wish!

To put it another way, when you think: "I am going to have the money I need to buy the house of my dreams", your subconscious mind will create the circumstances conducive to this belief becoming a reality.

The result: like a magnet, your subconscious mind will attract the circumstances, the events, the people, who will make it possible for you to realise your aim. Opportunities you never noticed before will crop up all the time; the means you need to fulfil your aims will materialise "as if by magic".

  Of course, this creative power of thought works both ways, for better and for worse. That’s why it’s so necessary to ‘control’ your thoughts.

Unfortunately, most people use the power of their thoughts in a way that is ultimately damaging for them. Their fears, their anxieties, their worries, all too often attract problems and obstacles into their life.

For example, those who continually entertain thoughts of fear, end up triggering a phenomenon of amplification to the extent that they may suffer from mental health issues and sometimes even develop a persecution complex or neurosis.

Some thoughts, negatively formulated and frequently repeated, really do represent a danger. You need to drive them out of your vocabulary forever. Thoughts of the type: "I’ll never amount to anything… These things only happen to me … I’ll never come through this … I never have any luck … money can’t buy you happiness…money is dirty, etc.

Poverty, like wealth, corresponds to a vibratory state of thought. The first step towards being wealthy is to believe you are already under the protection of Divine Providence which will never let you go without anything you need.


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