Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Get into the habit of thinking in terms of material wealth, prosperity and riches.

         At every moment of your life, apply this golden rule.

Most people operate on the principle of ‘not enough’. Whether it is true or not, this concept of ‘not enough’ comes up automatically, before anyone can think of questioning or analysing it.

And this, from the moment we wake till the time we go to sleep: I haven’t had enough sleepI don’t have enough timeI don’t have enough influenceI’m not slim enough, not attractive enough, not intelligent enough, not educated enough, etc. – and of course: I don’t have enough money…

This ‘not enough’ shouldn’t be allowed to become a sort of default definition that defines the way you see things, whether it concerns the amount of your bank balance, the people you love or your personal value…Believe me, thinking in terms of ‘not enough’ is at the root of all failure!

In other words, for money to flow into your life, you need to develop a state of mind called wealth consciousness. Or, if you prefer, convince your mind that money will run freely and forever in your life, and that there will always be a divine surplus (the Abundance Principle). For example, if war were to break out tomorrow, you would continue to attract wealth, in whatever form the new currency took. 

In truth, wealth is the product of a mind that expects to see the benefits of Providence run freely forever.

In fact, everyone lives within their framework of their own discourse on money. Our discourse is all our thoughts, words and actions with regard to money, the value we give to it, what it represents in our eyes. So, if your thoughts and beliefs about money are focused on negative emotions, then money will tend to escape you, perhaps even abandon you completely.

For example, if your discourse is centred around a disdain for money (money’s dirty…money can’t make you happy), the denial of your own worth (I don’t deserve to live in prosperity…I’ll never be rich), the fear of not having enough money (I’ll go without this or that so I don’t go over my budget), or jealousy towards friends who have more money than you (luck is for other people, but not for me), etc.

… then you are living in a world where money, wealth and prosperity clearly have no place.

Your internal discourse and your discourse with others (those thoughts that capture your attention) have a substantial influence on the material reality of the life you lead!

The discourse of poverty uses the following type of terms: never enough, empty, fear, distrust, envy, greed, hoarding, competition, judgement, comparison, external displays of wealth, effort, survival, poverty, etc. With this type of discourse, you pass judgement, compare, criticise, label winner and losers, focusing on dissatisfaction. You accept that money defines you, rather than identifying yourself with money in a less superficial way and expressing your qualities through money.

The discourse of material wealth, for its part, uses terms such as the following: gratitude, contentment, love, confidence, respect, faith, commitment, acceptances, sharing, internal wealth, etc. This discourse acknowledges money for what it is, appreciates its value and envisages ways of using it to good end. You focus on the potential for improving life quality and the spirit of initiative; your money is marked by your energy and positive mindset.

Know that you already have everything you need to become rich within you.

So all you have to do is externalise it.

Assets such as physical beauty, luck and even the use of magic can of course favour the arrival of fortune. But you can be sure that without the right frame of mind, without the appropriate attitude – that some call the ‘millionaire mentality– it’s almost impossible to attract money into your life. 

So the first stage on your path to prosperity, wealth and material comfort concerns your state of mind, as you cultivate your attitude towards money.

Properly channelled and in harmony with the creative laws of the Universe, the power of your thoughts really can ‘trigger’ success, giving you access to everything you want out of life.

You will no doubt already have noticed how positive, determined people are always the ones that achieve the most brilliant success. One thing they have in common is strength of character, engendered and maintained by the formidable power of their mind, which they have learned to maximise.

What others can do, you can do too

Whatever your personal circumstances, your life is no more and no less than the fruits of your ‘thought-seeds’, planted in the garden of your past. Everyone who has ever become rich has done so because they firmly believed in the constructive powers of their positive thought.

It is this principle that contains the first of the great positive thoughts for attracting and keeping money, success and prosperity.

So start seeing money for what it really is: life energy, a symbol of change representing freedom from need, prosperity, comfort and beauty. As soon as you are no longer harbouring false ideas about money (money is neither dirty nor bad, nor dangerous in itself; although spiritually maladjusted human beings are a danger to themselves), it will be easy to develop positive and constructive thoughts that have the power to attract money.

Be sure of one thing: you were born to succeed, to triumph over adversity, to develop all the divine talents and resources that lie dormant deep within you.
And know that you can find a simple solution to all your money problems, by starting to apply, from now onwards, the rules for wealth contained in this booklet.

To start with, you need to exploit
the creative power of your thoughts and your imagination.

1 – Firstly, remind yourself that your ‘mental attitude’ is important since to a significant extent it determines the conditions of your life. It is with your thoughts that you will gradually create the life you dream of and truly become the master of your own destiny.

When for example you say to yourself: I’ll never have enough money to do this or that, your subconscious mind will record your thought and this will reinforce your belief in your inability to attract wealth.

If, on the contrary, you think optimistically: I am going to have enough money to buy a new car or afford the house of my dreams, the energy given off by your conscious thoughts will create an environment favourable to the realisation of your wish. The universal cosmic energy will then respond to your needs. Like a magnet, you will attract the right people and the right circumstances for it to become a reality in the material world. This positive thinking can be applied successfully to all spheres of life: love, money, health, luck, work, etc.

2 – Then, using the repetition of positive affirmations, you are going to generate energy that is incredibly positive and will immediately start to ‘work for you’.

On a practical level, what you have to do is repeat affirmations that articulate constructive ideas and are basically ‘charged’ with positive energy. This repetition has the effect of ‘materialising’ in tangible form the invisible universal energy, which is why these affirmations really become creative affirmations.

 What do you need to do? All you need to do is repeat these creative affirmations on a daily basis, as often as possible, out loud or in your head. Be very mindful of their meaning: speak them with all your heart, your determination, your emotion, your attention and your awareness. At the same time, imagine, visualise that the desired outcome is already in the process of manifesting itself in your life.

You can do this at any time of the day: in the morning when you wake up, while you’re going about your business, in the shower, while travelling, in the evening before you go to sleep, etc.

I recommend that you start of with the following affirmation: I (your first name), open myself up to the wealth and riches of the Universe and I receive them in joy.

After a few days, pick one (or several) positive affirmations of your choice, illustrating for example whatever you would most like to see materialise in your life.  Repeat them frequently to charge your personal ‘energy field’ and environment with positive energy.

Here are some affirmations charged with creative energy that will be conducive to the arrival of positive events – they will serve you well. You can of course create your own positive affirmations, adapted to your own personal objectives. 

-         A positive mental attitude is a source of wellbeing, health, prosperity and success.
-         With my positive mental attitude I allow the creative forces of the Universe into my life. They regenerate me mentally, physically and spiritually.
-         If I find myself weighed down with doubt, pessimism or despair, I practice positive thinking with confidence: then luck comes back into my life in force and my good mood returns.
-         My intuition flows and inspires me when I play games of chance.
-         My thoughts are expressed positively and with my intuition they succeed in finding a swift solution for my money problems.
-         Money is a precious thing and I use it constructively for my own well-being and that of others.
-         In my personal life I am driven towards success and I prosper more and more. The more I give, the more I receive. Everything works out my way, as if by magic. Money flows into my home in profusion.
-         Unlimited abundance runs in me and through me and I share it freely with others. By following my heart, success comes into my life more quickly.
-         Love makes my life more beautiful; I share it around me and I live in harmony with those around me, my partner, my children.
-         I freely open up my heart to love; I have faith in the Universe to make me meet the ideal partner destined for me.
-         I love myself and accept myself as I am. The divine essence within me will attract the perfect love that is my destiny towards me.
-         All power is given to me to transform my life magically, by making the most of the new opportunities that are offered to me. … Etc.

3 – Finally, you need to combine the repetition of affirmations with Creative Visualisation.

   When you repeat a positive affirmation you should accompany it with the corresponding visualisation. Basically, this is a very good thing to do because it further ‘mobilises’ the creative flux of the universal energy. So your thoughts will become truly magic.

What is visualisation and how does it work? Creative visualisation makes use of the prodigious strength of the imagination. Like positive thinking, visualisation possesses extraordinary creative power. In a way visualising is “seeing with the eyes of the mind".
Visualisation is practiced with closed eyes and consists in mentally creating images ‘in your head’. In this case, you will be imagining the improvements you want to attract into your life (money, love, health, work, relationships, etc.) as if it was already in the process of happening. Visualising each of your wishes as if it was already a reality speeds up its manifestation in the material world.

Visualisation combines self-suggestion and image. It sets up a clear communication channel between you and your subconscious, using the universal language of images. Visualising is building a ‘mental image’ using a series of thoughts, each thought corresponding to that image and representing one aspect of it.

Visualisation has no limits: using your imagination you can dream up the situation you would like to see, set the scene, modify it to suit your desires and project it ‘in your imagination’ behind the screen of your closed eyelids...essentially, just like a filmmaker, you can think up any situation.

It’s a form of energy that allows you to ‘see’ with your mind, because it happens inside the mind. Images are created in the brain. We have two cerebral hemispheres; the left hand one is concerned with reasoning, all that is rational, logical, analytical, while the right-hand hemisphere is the seat of the intuition and the emotions.

It’s easy to practice visualisation; a part of logic and reasoning from the left hand side of the brain enters into action with the right to create the images that run across your mind behind your closed eyes.

Have you ever got carried away with your imagination and been transported to some idyllic place, imaginary or real? You close your eyes, you dream, you see that place, you are in that place and you can describe it! If you have the ability to do this, that means you know how to visualise. Some people say they aren’t capable of ‘seeing’ in this way. It doesn’t really matter because, if this is the case, all you need to do is ‘think’ of the things, events or places concerned, you only have to evoke them mentally in your head.

Little by little, your most secret dreams will acquire more form and substance and, little by little, they will start to manifest themselves…just like a seed, still invisible below the surface of the earth, already contains the future plant.

Let’s imagine now that you’ve chosen a positive affirmation relating to the sphere of money: you’re going to visualise a sequence, a scenario, a ‘film’ corresponding to that affirmation.

For example: my intuition flows and inspires me when I play games of chance.
Imagine yourself playing the Lotto or the Tiercé, allow yourself to be guided by your intuition: See yourself marking the winning numbers… See yourself finding out the good news… reveal in the satisfaction … See yourself cashing the cheque or holding the notes… See your loved ones rejoicing for you… Visualise the plans you’ll finally be able to make thanks to these winnings … etc.

Really give free rein to your imagination…Bring your visualisations to life, in emotions, in thoughts and in images. For example, imagine yourself speaking with a someone at your bank who is telling you that they will be giving you the loan you were hoping for, or perhaps that you are holding the winning lottery ticket in your hands, feel the joy of being safe from want…basically imagine, feel, visualise in every tiny detail the scenario you cherish.

The principle remains the same whatever the life sphere: love, money, family, friendship, work or health. Use your imagination to achieve your dreams, your aspirations. Describe and imagine the perfect outcome you hanker after. Feel your dream as a reality… and that’s what it will be!

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