Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Ritual part 2

Now, concentrate a moment, and palms toward the altar, read the following three times, with sincerity and persuasion, "The Grand Love Invocation":

"I conjure you, in the name of the nine hearts amongst whom you belong, oh Anael,
I conjure you, in the name of the angels and archangels, the thrones, the dominations, the principles, the powers, the virtues, the cherubims and the seraphims,
I conjure you in the name of Uriel, the guardian of the north,
I conjure you in the name of Raphael, the guardian of the south,
I conjure you in the name of Mikael, the guardian of the east,
I conjure you in the name of Gabriel, the guardian of the west,
I conjure and adjure you, oh Anael, in the name of these attributes as such, their almighty syllables, so that you leave your celestial dwelling and condescend to  come down to me, oh illuminating powers, and help me in this endeavour of love possession.
I implore you, oh Celestial Anael, in memory of the signs, you gave the apostles!
Please condescend, oh angels of light, to manifest your agreement in acting heavily upon my beloved...(say the full name of your beloved) and make him/her dream of me, think of me constantly, so that he/she sees me in his/her minds eye all day and night. Make his/her love grown more and more as the days goes by."

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