Monday, August 11, 2014

Beginning of the ritual, to be done the following 27 days...1

Hold your right hand around your candle and your left around the candle of your beloved and read the invocation of the creative forces:

"Oh Divine Power, you who are sitting upon the cherubim ans seraphim, you who reign upon earth and oceans, I lift my hand toward you and implore you."

Lift your arms above your head, palms toward the sky and concentrate on the divine powers that you are invoking. Then pronounce the following:

"You who are the unique accomplishment of the good works, You who render their beloved to those who suffer, You who are the father of life and the destroyer of death, You are my support, You are the protector of those that invoke you, protect me, keep me and favour me during this operation of love that I undertake with all my faith, Oh Divine Power reigning and residing in the Eternal, within me and within each of my gestures. Amen."

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