Monday, September 19, 2011

Your lucky star exists, I can assure you.

So, you now say, if that is true, why does life not lavish its benefits on you? Why don’t you get the luck, abundance, love, success, harmony which you are entitled to expect from your existence?

The answer is very simple: you have lost ‘contact’ with your Lucky Star.

In other words, you have lost the Path of Light, … Although your Star lives on in you and forms an essential part of your internal being, you no longer ‘communicate’: you can no longer profit from its guidance and enlightening messages.

It’s a little as if an opaque ‘smokescreen’ had gradually come down, a screen that your Star cannot penetrate.

So you remain confined to an ordinary state of consciousness, in which your perception of yourself and of the universe is fragmented, limited. You no longer have access to the ‘magical’ part of the universe, to the transcendental reality – bigger than your beliefs, more vast than anything you can imagine.

The consequence: instead of blossoming materially and spiritually, your life stagnates. In a way, you are cut off from your personal resources and from the creativity that would allow you to lead a life oh so much richer and more gratifying in every way.

But do not worry, I have promised you my help and I will do all within my power to honour that promise. You have made the right choice by placing your trust in me, and I know that I am going to be able to help you efficiently.

Together we are going to rid you of that opaque ‘smokescreen’ that is stopping you from benefiting form the positive influence of your Lucky Star. To do this, I am going to perform for you a Grand Ceremony of Energetic Contact, designed to re-establish contact with your Spiritual Guide – You Enlightening Star.

As soon as this radiant link is reactivated, you will see how your problems gradually become resolved, as if by magic. Your life will take a turn for the better, as the potential for happiness and prosperity buried deep within you begins to break free.

For your part, you do not have to do anything in particular, other than follow the secret advice and instructions that I am now going to reveal to you. It is, however, important to do this, if you want the ‘Ceremony of Energetic Contact’ to be fully effective.

First of all, though, allow me to give you some explanations on the nature of what I call the ‘smokescreen’, and on how this ‘screen’ formed and was able to deprive you of the protection of your Lucky Star.

It is negative conditioning which has allowed this opaque screen to come down. This conditioning is generally the result of incorrect beliefs, instilled during infancy (mainly during the first three months of life), then during childhood, by parents, schoolteachers, teachers of all sorts.

For too long now, the current education system favoured by our society has been based on the devaluation of the individual more than on the development of innate qualities. Effectively, traditional education is not generally adapted to the development of human beings: it does not teach the individual to love and accept him or herself for what he or she is, that is, a being of divine essence with limitless potential.

We no longer know this, because we are taught the contrary, from generation to generation, from earliest childhood. Children are ceaselessly told, ‘it’s like this’ or ‘it’s like that’.  A child who is taught that he or she is ‘rubbish’ at maths, for example, ends up being rubbish at maths.

We transmit, mostly without knowing it, our fears, our doubts and our beliefs to our children, without giving them the chance of growing more than us, having a vision of existence that is broader than our own. In order to feel loved by adults, children renounce their own perceptions and their direct apprehension of life, and end up accepting our limitations.

Why do we find it so hard to accept ourselves as we are? Because we have not been loved for ourselves as children; because however well-meaning they may be, our parents project themselves onto us. They idealise us, out of a desire to ‘manufacture’ a little carbon copy who will give back a pleasing and satisfying image of themselves.

It follows that the child tries to mould itself to this projection to receive the love it needs, while denying its own creative nature, its own individuality. Because if this child succeeds in conforming to the image projected by his parents, a denial of his or her true nature and deep internal discord will inevitably follow.

If the child ‘fails’, then he or she is not loved and accepted by parents who expected ‘something else’ from their offspring, who in turn suffers from self-doubt. In any event, the child cannot love him or herself as he or she is, and gradually becomes cut off from its creative resources and powers of imagination and intuition, in other words, the child will no longer be capable of receiving the messages from its lucky Star.

 … and so that’s how the ‘opaque screen’ forms!

The consequence is that many people do not have confidence in their own resources and do not know the enormous potential dormant within them, that they possess to confront life and develop as they should do.

So you see that it is not always easy or straightforward to have self-esteem, because you are often the subconscious victim of your own negative beliefs.

In order to generate positive belief in the area of love, or in any other area, a child needs to have received enough attention and affection from its parents. This allows the child to develop an attitude in adult life of confidence, security, openness, to express his or her emotions and feelings, and to share them with others.

If this has not been the case, the child will gradually crystallise within itself the negative belief that he or she does not deserve to be loved (or that he or she does not deserve to exist, or is useless, etc.). Deep down, the child will acquire the certainty that it will not be loved, because it is not sufficiently ‘valuable’ for that.

The repercussions on the existence of the child are highly significant. The child may opt for one of several ‘life strategies’: for example, affective isolation, or behaving in a way that attracts the rejection of those around it, or becoming lost in a false personality that will better please its parents, to the detriment of its own identity, etc.

For example, if a father never tells his daughter that he thinks she is beautiful and worthy of his love, if he never shows his daughter how much he loves her, a little girl will form a negative image of herself. Later on, in her life as a woman, this image will function as a ‘bad filter’ in her relations with others, particularly in her relations with men.

She will think therefore, subconsciously, that she doesn’t deserve to be loved by her companion. She will continue to live her life, acting as if unaware of the image of her father in her relation with her male partner and this will function as a negative filter which clouds the reality.

It is not difficult to imagine the misunderstandings that may arise between a couple, when the woman addresses her partner – and interprets his reactions – as if he were her own father!

In the subconscious belief that she does not deserve to be loved by her companion, this woman will behave in the relationship in such a way that her negative beliefs and fears will be confirmed.  In fact, to ‘verify’ her beliefs she will, subconsciously of course, manufacture the situation in which effectively her partner neglects and loses interest in her…until the marriage hits the rocks.

This example can be related to relationships and love, but this negative conditioning mechanism also has harmful repercussions in other areas such as work, material and financial success, etc.

The truth of it is, since there is no perfect, ideal education, every little boy and little girl will suffer, in childhood, from a ‘insufficiency’ and will suffer a negative psychological conditioning specific to its family history. This will lead to the child forming negative beliefs on its own value and its place in life.

On reaching adulthood, unless the individual becomes aware of it, this belief will tend to have a harmful influence on his or her life, depriving the person of the happiness to which he or she is entitled.

As you will now understand, it is essentially the ‘negative’ beliefs instilled in infancy as a result of the bias of education, that constitute the greatest obstacle to a truly fulfilling life.

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