Saturday, September 17, 2011

You know what intuition is, don’t you?

Yes, it’s that little inner voice, the voice you hear when you need to solve a problem, answer a difficult question or when you don’t know what’s the right thing to do, etc.

Most people hardly ever listen to this little voice, probably because they distrust it or think it is not real, nothing more than a distortion of the mind - and then after the event they say:

I knew it, my ‘guess’ was right!

Whether you call it your ‘inner guide’ or ‘6th sense’, your intuition really is your most valuable friend. Even though your mind is silent, it is in constant communication with you through your intuition, dreams, signs and omens (the Initiates speak of learning a lesson "from the inside").

Over the course of a day you receive large amounts of information that can have a vital impact on your life, particularly when it concerns you directly. All you need to do to pinpoint and exploit it is be aware and on your guard.

Intuition can manifest itself through an idea, a thought, a sudden desire, a visual or auditory ‘cliché’ (mental image), which may be either fleeting or persistent, sometimes without any direct link to your concerns at the time.

It may also take the form of a phrase you hear ‘by chance’. Or it may happen that a friend or a stranger gives you, without knowing it, the exact answer to a question or the solution of a personal problem. With practice, you can even receive clear answers to a question, someone before you’ve even asked it!

More often still, intuition takes the form of direct action: you’re driven to do or say what is needed at the right time, or events seems to spontaneously conspire to take you in the right direction, or friends or strangers are impelled to act in a way that suits you, against all expectations. A solution emerges just when everything seemed at an impasse!

My advice is that you should be listening to your intuition all the time, whatever form it may take. Bear in mind that it’s a fragment of Divine Intelligence and Conscience, and it really can bring you all the riches you’ve ever wanted.

Tell yourself the little voice of your intuition is like an "Inner Guide" ready to endow your business affairs with way above average profitability.

So every time you come into conflict or competition with one or several people, every time you’re on the verge of doing something important, whatever the area concerned (finance, love, work, etc.), ask your intuition (your ‘spiritual me’) to inspire you and guide you to find a swift and favourable outcome.

Follow this piece of advice: don’t do anything without first consulting your inner conscience by way of your intuition.

Ways of facilitating contact with your intuition:

Leave off from the left-hand side of your brain, the seat of your reasoning and limited objective faculties, and make the right-hand side of your brain, the seat of your intuition, do the work for a while.

To do this, make your wish or ask your question deep down in your heart, then let what comes come (idea, thought, feeling, etc.). This generally works better in a calm atmosphere, conducive to concentration and the meditative state. Close your eyes, relax, breathe slowly and deeply.

Don’t worry if at first you can’t always hear the ‘little inner voice’, this is quite normal, you’ve been stifling it for so long, out of error or ignorance, which makes it hard to identify among the melee of your jumbled thoughts and emotions.

Persevere with this introspective method: the part of your mind that has a natural connection with the infinite cosmic Intelligence and Wisdom will send you the inspiration you need to achieve your goals…it can be no other way. All it needs is a little effort and faith on your part and it will work for you and serve you, since it cannot ever impose any authority on you.

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