Saturday, September 3, 2011

Wealth and Prosperity

It’s important to bear in mind that wealth and prosperity obey secret rules and you must follow these rules if you want to live in comfort and opulence. In other words, there is a certain way of behaving that attracts money and others that repel luck and fortune!
On this subject, I’d like to give you two or three fundamental ideas you need to know about luck and money. It’s important that you read the following.

Believe me, the occult principles I am going to reveal to you here have been tried and tested over many years and their effectiveness has never been called into question.

The sheer simplicity of some of them may surprise you. Many people believe things need to be complicated to be effective, but this is in fact a commonly held fallacy.

First of all, you need to have a good understanding of the reasons behind financial poverty in life. In my experience, it’s almost always down to a blockage about money… despite the fact that a ‘lack of luck’ is often cited as the sole culprit.

In my experience, this sort of blockage is the worst enemy of wealth. It’s so pernicious it can even stop you from winning games of chance. No doubt you’ll now be asking yourself just what this blockage is?

The truth is that this sort of situation arises when you have a ‘bad relationship’ with money: on a subconscious level you reject it, when you should actually be doing everything you can to attract it.
You’re condemning it just when you should be expressing your love for it!

Unfortunately, many people are victims of mistaken beliefs about money. Do you yourself not remember, when you were younger, hearing and picking up comments such as the following:

Money doesn’t grow on trees.

Monday can’t buy happiness.

I’ll never find an interesting job. 

Money goes out faster than it comes in.

You’ll earn money with the sweat of your brow.

I’m weighed down with debt.

You don’t get rich by being honest.

You have to save for the hard times.

Economic crisis lies in wait for us.

We’re not the sort of people who get rich.

And so on…

Perhaps as you’ve grown up you’ve convinced yourself that money is the root of all evil…

This belief is founded on a serious error!

It may well be the case that without even realising it you’ve been indoctrinated with a set of misconceptions about money. Through no fault of your own, and for many years now, you’ve harboured a rather negative attitude to money.

This explains why you have trouble ‘attracting’ money.

It is this type of attitude, for the most part subconscious, that is at the root of your lack of money. In fact, when it’s ‘implanted’ in your mind, it could be described as having the power of a ‘spell’.

And that’s exactly why we need to fight it with all our strength, because it’s the hidden reason for all these stubborn money problems!

But don’t worry, it’s quite possible to get rid of these blockages that stop money flowing into your life, find out how ‘money magic’ works, how you can develop the force that attracts it and how to speak the language of money.

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