Friday, September 9, 2011

You’ll surely be asking yourself what visualisation is and how it works…?

 The principle is very simple: creative visualisation harnesses the prodigious power of the imagination. Just like positive thought, visualisation has extraordinary creative power. Visualising is sort of ‘seeing with the eyes of the mind’. You visualise with your eyes close, mentally creating images "in your head".

For example, imagine the financial improvements you would like to see as if they were already in the process of happening. What you have to do, in fact, is visualise your wishes as if they had already come true (this "magic technique" can speed up their manifestation in the material world)

A combination of auto suggestion and image, visualisation opens a clear, interference-free channel for communication between you and your subconscious, using a universal language, the language of images. Visualising consists in building a ‘mental image’ on the basis of a series of thoughts, each thought relating to that image and representing an aspect of it.

Visualisation is unlimited because you use your imagination to produce a film, creating your favourite scenario, setting the scene, modifying it to suit your desires before projecting it ‘in your imagination’ onto the screen of your closed can dream up any situation.

It’s a form of energy that allows you to ‘see’ with your mind, because it comes from inside your head, which is where images are created. We have two cerebral hemispheres; the left hand one is concerned with reasoning, all that is rational, logical, analytical, while the right-hand hemisphere is the seat of the intuition and the emotions.

Practicing visualisation is easy; a part of logic and reasoning from the left hand side of the brain enters into action with the right to create the images that run across your mind behind your closed eyes.

Have you ever let yourself get carried away with your imagination and been transported to some idyllic place, imaginary or real? You close your eyes, you dream, you see that place, you are in that place and you can describe it! If you have the ability to do this, that means you know how to visualise. Some people say they aren’t capable of ‘seeing’ in this way. It doesn’t really matter because, if this is the case, all you need to do is ‘think’ of the things, events or places concerned, you only have to evoke them mentally in your head.

Little by little, your most secret dreams will acquire more form and substance and, little by little, they will start to manifest themselves…just like a seed, still invisible below the surface of the earth, already contains the future plant.

Let’s imagine now that you’ve chosen a positive affirmation relating to the sphere of money: you’re going to visualise a sequence, a scenario, a ‘film’ corresponding to that affirmation. For example: my intuition flows and inspires me when I play games of chance.

Imagine yourself playing the lottery or the Tiercé, allow yourself to be guided by your intuition: See yourself marking the winning numbers… See yourself finding out the good news… revel in the satisfaction … See yourself cashing the cheque or holding the notes… See your loved ones rejoicing for you… Visualise the plans you’ll finally be able to make thanks to these winnings … etc.

Really give free rein to your imagination…Bring your visualisations to life, in emotions, in thoughts and in images. For example, imagine yourself speaking with a someone at your bank who is telling you that they will be giving you the loan you were hoping for, or perhaps that you are holding the winning lottery ticket in your hands, feel the joy of being safe from want…basically imagine, feel, visualise in every tiny detail the scenario you cherish.

The principle remains the same whatever the life sphere: love, money, family, friendship, work or health. Use your imagination to achieve your dreams, your aspirations. Describe and imagine the perfect outcome you hanker after. Feel your dream as a reality… and that’s what it will be!

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