Wednesday, September 14, 2011

You have to give to receive or the Law of Amra

This is a principle of abundance that all philosophies and religions throughout the world agree on unanimously. It’s a golden rule for those who want to become wealth and prosperous.

When you ask for an improvement in your life circumstances (finances, health, love, etc.), you have to pay a tithe on the gifts Providence will grant you.

This "payback" may take the form of a service rendered or good deed done to someone, if the benefits aren’t things that can be shared psychically or materially.
Alternatively you could save a portion of your income (salary, lottery winnings, etc.) and donate it to a charity or humanitarian association.

Following this rule of freely made sacrifice means that you can benefit from the best things in life, reserved for those who practice the Law of Amra.

Becoming wealthy in a way that is solely for your own benefit, living a selfish life without sharing is tantamount to breaking the laws that create cosmic harmony. This sort of attitude leads to an accumulation of what’s called ‘bad karma’, which is a sort of ‘debt’ that the person will sooner or later have to pay to make up or atone for their mistakes, either in this life or in their next incarnation.

Those whose sole motivation for wealth is greed or the fear of poverty are condemned to the prison of their avarice. They will certainly never experience the joy of helping others. Such a state of mind is far more likely to drive people apart then bring them together, undermining them rather than giving them strength, putting up a barrier between them and the rest of the world.
This leads to moral impoverishment and reinforces the idea that success can only be achieved by ‘crushing’ others.

This is how the Forces of Life operate: if you show yourself to be generous, compassionate towards others and charitable – with humility and sincerity rather than out of pride or hypocrisy – then the Universe will fulfil your wishes in return.

Remember that the universal cosmic energy is polarised according to the principle of opposites and complements: yin-yang, day-night, male-female, hold-cold, wet-dry, etc. and in this particular case, giving-receiving.

Knowing how to "receive" is just as important as knowing how to give. Receiving with good grace is an expression of the dignity of giving. People who don’t know how to receive are in fact incapable of giving. Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin, two ways in which the universal cosmic energy works.

Additionally, giving and receiving is not limited solely to material, tangible things. Receiving a compliment, admiration or respect also means being capable of giving these things to others. An absence of respect, manners or admiration actually creates a state of poverty … whatever state your finances are in!

A piece of advice: try to open up your heart and your mind, make an effort to receive. Do this, and you’ll be giving those around you the opportunity to give, and you’ll soon notice how happy they are to do this. In return, the way in which you yourself give will gradually improve.

Also, by redistributing a certain part of your income, or by offering your services, you are opening a great channel for attracting money and advantages. Basically, when you give, a space opens up that will attract even more of whatever you have given – this is the Law of Providence: The more you give, the more you receive.

As long as you continue to give, you will continue to receive. And the more you develop your potential, the more prosperous you will become. Likewise, generosity should be in proportion to wealth. It’s impossible to shed light on someone’s path if you yourself are not yet walking in the light. 

If you can see prosperity as an opportunity to give, the this is proof that you have properly assimilated the principle of giving and receiving into your life; this is the very basis of material and moral wealth. You will also then recognise the value of human interaction and respect its diversity. Helping and supporting those around you give life its meaning, whereas idolising money will never bring fulfilment.

Every time you have the opportunity, help others to exploit their personal resources, show them how they can help themselves. Ponder this truth: If you give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Also, never forget to thank the Universe and acknowledge the contribution of all those who help you, without ever faking your gratitude. The expression of gratitude is a very powerful force that generates more that you have already received. And don’t forget: when you on the path to prosperity, always be grateful for what you already have.

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