Thursday, September 29, 2011

How does intuition manifest itself?

I will give you some hints here; they will enable you to recognise your intuitions as you begin to develop the powers of intuition dormant within you …

At the beginning, before you have brought it under control, intuition manifests itself without any warning at the times and in the situations when you least expect it. You suddenly feel a vague, hazy feeling; a sort of illumination from within. Suddenly, you know, without thinking or reasoning, that you have the truth, but without being able to prove it in a logical way. It is located more in your ‘guts’ and your heart than in your head.

The greatest problem which you come up against as intuition develops and this type of feeling occurs, is that you tend to deny it, putting it down to imagination or silliness…and it is often when the intuitive perception is fulfilled that you realise how pertinent it was. Unfortunately, in many cases, it is too late.

In other words, you should seize these flashes of intuition when they happen! But recognising the signs of intuition is not always easy, because it is a capricious faculty that takes on different guises. It might communicate with your mind by making you see images because it knows that these images will meet with a response.

For example, the image of your son receiving a diploma a few hours before he gives you the invitation to the presentation ceremony. Or the image of a friend on a hospital bed the day before his car accident. Or even the image of a person you have never seen before in your life but who appears at your door shortly after this vision.

Intuition also manifests itself through images when it happens in your dreams, in creative visualisations or when meditating (I will come back to this point further on).

Sometimes, intuition emerges through sound. For example, when you hear a voice, inside you, which suggests something to you, a recommendation or admonition. Sometimes, again, you might have the feeling of hearing music. In this case, turn your attention to the music: what does it evoke for you? Is it gentle and peaceful or alternatively, loud and strident?

There are also the ring of the telephone or the doorbell. You pick up the handset…but it’s dead. You open the door…nobody there! Pay attention if this happens, you will know that it is a truly an intuition if soon afterwards you can easily link this bizarre phenomenon to a specific event: a telephone call or a visitor.

In the same line, feelings such as shivers, trembling, sudden anxiety or the quickening up of the heartbeat, or an aversion as rapid as it is inexplicable, are guises that intuition may take to communicate with you, to make you aware that something is wrong or, to the contrary, that something marvellous is happening.

There are also those moments when you get the impression that someone is looking at you, touching you or stroking your hair, even when you are on your own.

As your intuition beings to develop, do not be surprised if you perceive one or several of the manifestations that I have just described. Do not treat them with indifference or scorn, saying afterwards: "I should have gone with my first idea…" Remember that the first impression is often the best.

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