Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What is intuition?

Intuition can be defined as a type of immediate knowledge which does not draw on logical and rational reasoning, like a feeling, which may be more or less clear, impossible to put your finger on, as yet unformed.

Intuition could be described as the acquisition of new, spontaneous, sudden knowledge; a flash of information, generally accompanied by a vague emotion or feeling – positive or negative, depending on the case.

In the minds of many people, intuition is often linked to premonition. And with good reason since, speaking personally, my experience as a clairvoyant and medium has shown me how premonition and intuitive perception are in fact similar ; they are manifested in the same way.

Intuition is communication with the infinite intelligence of the unconscious (or alternatively the subconscious) Mind.

It is easier to understand when you realise that the conscious mind is in charge of reasoning, rationalising and intellectualising. It is the alert and voluntary part of your mind. In this respect, the conscious is objective and active: it chooses and decides. All the thoughts and images that your mind forms and conceives are ‘dispatched’ to your subconscious which ‘stores’ them.
The subconscious is the unconscious ‘dormant’ part of your mind. This is the subjective, passive part that obeys the orders given by your conscious mind, which executes all of your instructions to the letter. It does not know how to think, it only knows to obey. It is the seat of your emotions, your habits and your memory.

But there is also a ‘super-conscious’ which is located beyond the conscious and the subconscious. Certain ‘psychic powers’, or paranormal powers, such as telepathy, telekinesis, ‘astral journey’, clairvoyance, belong to the domain of the super-conscious. Intuition also comes from the super-conscious.

People who are experts in occultism, mediums, clairvoyants – in other words those who believe in the existence of realities and dimensions other than those in which we live out our daily lives -, intuition is one of the numerous powers that human beings can develop and learn to master (you too, in this case, if you really want to…).

Intuition, (the sixth sense) is, however, a sense similar to other senses (hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste), except that it is not linked to any visible organ. It is a strange thing that little children are taught from a very early age to distinguish between colours and smells, to enjoy caresses, reading, writing, singing, etc. whereas they are NEVER told that the little inner voice that they often hear (particularly before the age of 8) is worthy of all their attention.

It is only by making use of this sense that they can learn to distinguish right from wrong, genuine people from fakes. It can show them the path to follow so that their life will be strewn with roses rather than nettles, and by following its recommendations, they will have access to the secrets of the Universe.

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