Friday, January 10, 2014

The final part of the ceremony

* Meditate a few moments clearing your mind . Banish thoughts or reflections as soon as they arise, focus on your breathing : "I feel the air enter my body, fill my lungs and pouring back out slowly ".

* You must now begin to chant the OM sound, which has the particularity to stimulate positive energy. Start chanting OM, with a rather deep voice at the moment you expire and by prolonging the sound as long as possible. Continue calmly and steadily forming a regular rhythmic music only with your breathing. The sound should only be heard during the expiration. Think of nothing else. This exercise can be done as long as you feel comfortable.

* The conditions are now fulfilled to establish a contact. A voice should be heard. When this happens, stop the chanting and pronounce your questions and, especially,try to learn more about the entity responding to you - its name and history ... in order to be able to establish a new contact with the same entity at another moment.

* To conclude this ceremony, you need to get up and blow the seven candles, this time in the opposite direction to clockwise, to remove the accumulated energy within your sacred space.

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