Saturday, July 30, 2011


When nervous exhaustion, over-work and daily cares are preventing you from dropping off at night, magnetism can help you to sleep.

First of all, here are a few tips, a few guidelines for you to follow.
To relax you before dinner, have a shower or better still, a nice warm bath.

You want to forget all the worries that have such a disastrous effect on your sleep so don’t spend all evening discussing them, mulling them over, trying to find a solution.

And avoid any subjects that might cause arguments or disputes.

After dinner, to prevent your imagination from wandering and presenting you with all kinds of spectres, watch an interesting show or read to enrich yourself and become more cultured.
These little ploys will get you in the right frame of mind for bed, but it is
magnetism that will finally get you off to sleep.

Once you are in bed (which should preferably be placed North to South, with the head towards the North), stretch out on your back and yawn a few times.
Don’t allow your mind to stray or your imagination will start to run wild.

Focus your thoughts on a peaceful and monotonous image: the pendulum of an old clock, waves breaking on the shore, a mountain waterfall, or the sails of a windmill.

Relax, and put your left hand flat on your stomach (solar plexus). Now, don’t move a muscle, not even your little finger.

Very soon, you will sink into a deep sleep and will wake up feeling fully fit in the morning.

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