Thursday, July 28, 2011

Qonquering timidity

Don’t shy at obstacles when you come across them, because they will develop your
intelligence, your resistance, your spirit of initiative, and your magnetism, and help
you to employ them more productively and creatively.
Success, like your whole environment and everything that happens in your life,
depends solely on you. Fate is a myth and Destiny is never against you - it is purely
Every victory is an effort, and every effort is a victory! A. Teillard wrote: “Certain
inferiority complexes may oppress an intelligent and courageous person who is the
victim of their own hyper-sensitivity. Their major fear is that other people may judge
them unfavourably. They are afraid of not matching up to others, they are afraid of
seeming ridiculous.”
Their career is therefore seriously handicapped by that great malady: doubt. Very
often, their sex life is affected and this disturbance may lead to impotence or frigidity.
A timid person, more than anyone, needs to develop their personality. In their case,
the increase in magnetism will be very spectacular. They will smash the world in
which their up bringing and society have succeeded in imprisoning them.
If you follow the advice given here, you will be able to chalk up your first success,
then a second, and so on. Once you have achieved your first goal, this opens the
door to further successes and these repeated victories will gradually free you from your prison.
By actively assuming responsibility, you will discover the joy of taking the reins and the glory of succeeding and thereby gain confidence in yourself. And by an imperceptible but infallible process, you will automatically find your new place in your social environment.
the result of how you face obstacles,and it’s by learning to control your thoughts that you will discover the road to Happiness and be able to realise your desires.

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