Monday, July 18, 2011

Extra-Sensory Perception

Have you ever had premonitions or dreams that have turned out to be true? Do you ever think about someone only to see that very person coming towards you? Do you often get letters from people when you’ve been thinking about them more than usual?

When you go and see friends, do they sometimes say: We were just talking about you? When you’ve been thinking long and hard about a difficult situation, are you sometimes surprised to hear someone voicing your hopes and hears out loud, using the very same words that have been going through your own head?

If something happens to someone very dear to you, when you are apart, do you feel that something is up? Do you see vague images in your mind? Or do you have a sudden sensation of discomfort that makes you think: I wonder what’s going to happen now?

All these feelings « out of the blue » are manifestations of telepathy, or in other words, spontaneous communication between minds. Hypnotic induction is a similar phenomenon: the difference is that you can command it at will.

Some of the feelings that we « receive », do not come from other human minds. A lawyer has a dream about a rare work of art. The next day he finds the very same object on display in the window of an antique shop he has never heard of, in a neighbourhood he has never before visited.

Many clairvoyants claim they can gain a very clear idea of the results of their investigations before even taking out the pendulum or divining rod. Sometimes the object of their study is not another person but rather a source, a stolen car, a state of health or the affinity between a land and a culture. In such cases, there is indeed « communication », but it is between the mind of the clairvoyant and the material elements. We also know that hypnotism and suggestion, practised remotely, have the potential to bring about psychic manifestations between the source and recipient of the waves emitted.

Nowadays, phenomena of this type are classified as Extra-Sensory Perception (or ESP).
This booklet, which contains the result of research and experiments carried out over a period of years by a wide range of scientists, will enable you to benefit from the most recent discoveries in ESP. It will, I hope, help you broaden your knowledge and understanding of life, and allow you to make this quotation from William James your own:

« The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind »

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