Thursday, July 14, 2011

Preserve and increase your energy

From now on, you will never forget you are living in a tangible world that is simultaneously a universe of dynamic energy: everything in existence is a ‘universal energy field’ that you can access through signs and intuition.

Energy follows wherever your direct your attention, and as you also know you can project your energy by channelling all your attention and will in the desired direction. This works on other energy fields, multiplying the frequency of coincidences in your life and reinforcing the divine guidance.

I am now going to tell you something that’s essential for applying the ‘Ultimate Secret’:

As a way of activating your own energy field (and so attracting everything you need towards you) you should ideally maintain a connection to the universal cosmic energy, because this give you an unlimited source of energy with the potential to increase the power of your conscious mind.

By applying the instructions, techniques and exercises I give you in this document, you will connect to the universal energy quite naturally.

You’ll no doubt already be aware that some types of behaviour are best avoided, because they’re likely to weaken this link – as I will go on to explain below.

Most people are not aware of the reality of universal energy. This means they have no way of consciously connecting to this unlimited reservoir of energy. Their inner connection to this source is generally weak or underdeveloped.

The result is they tend to feel vulnerable and insecure, which drives them to take energy from other people to recharge their own levels. They do this by seeking to manipulate others, or dominate their attention. We all have a tendency to behave in this way, but it is a course of action that has a seriously prejudicial impact on the happiness of our future.

Those who succeed in dominating others in this way feel stronger, while the other person feels weakened and often resorts to aggression.

Human energy exists in a limited quantity, and the competition to capture that energy is the cause of all conflicts between human beings. Yes, we are in competition with each other, to get energy. We do this subconsciously every time we meet someone else.

By observing your own interactions and those of others, you can develop your awareness of this struggle, and understand the issues underpinning human conflict.

As your consciousness broadens, you’ll start to realise that energy obtained in this manner doesn’t last long!

You’ll then go on to discover that the true energy you are seeking comes from the universal energy source: you don’t need to extract it from anyone else. And the clearer your understanding of your tendency to want to control, weaken, outstrip, and be suspicious of others, or please them, the sooner you’ll break these habits for good.

In fact, the ‘struggle’ for energy and power goes back to the beginning of time. Our instinct for survival goes hand in hand with psychological and spiritual needs for security, intimacy, material ease, a feeling of belonging, social recognition and control over our life.

Our attempts to meet all these needs underpin everything we try to achieve in the world. When a need is not met, we summon all our energy on achieving it.

The need to ‘dominate’ the situation, to maintain our energy, is clear from childhood. When we’re little, we depend for our survival on the adults who look after us, and we draw on very specific recourses to acquire energy from our family environment.

So, we start to set up ‘domination strategies’ and mechanisms for manipulating energy, to attract the attention, love, recognition, support and approval of others – which are all forms of energy. We use this energy we ‘extract’ from others to ensure our personal development: we receive enough love to feel secure and sufficiently important to others to enable us to build our identity.

Of course, like many others, you’ll be familiar with the following: sibling rivalry, competition, the inability to be happy with what you have, the feeling of being ‘invisible’, etc. The painful hallmarks of suffering in early life, the feeling of being undervalued, mistreated, neglected, abandoned, fear and guilt are at the root of the struggle for domination.

These feelings build as the body grows, as we gain our qualifications and become adults, and finally these early experiences trigger the formation of special techniques – domination strategies – for obtaining energy.

During childhood, we have few resources for protecting ourselves from or understanding situations in which we are ignored, criticised or ridiculed. As we get older, the accumulation of negative experiences affects our self-esteem and the way we approach life and other people. We feel something is missing, and have a natural desire to fill that gap, by drawing on the energy of others.

In fact, all the ways in which we try to control energy are rooted in the original fear that if we become separated from the source of energy that links us to our parents, we won’t be able to survive.

Let’s look at an example. Perhaps you can remember being in a group of people all talking animatedly? … You were waiting for a chance to say something, to relate something that happened to you and when finally the break in the conversation came, just as you were starting to tell your anecdote, the conversation started up again, as if you didn’t exist. You turned to the person next to you, to hide your embarrassment and your energy drained out of you. As a way of getting it back, you had to cling to that person, appropriating their energy and keep their attention away from the general conversation.

Did that person look at you with interest, or did they look at the rest of the group, to see if what they were saying was more interesting? How did you feel if their attention turned back to the group? Did you feel doubly ignored? What happened to the flow of energy when you realised that noone was listening to you any more? You probably felt like people were ignoring you and like you were invisible to them.

This may well have reinforced your natural tendency to avoid risks, to keep your distance, or perhaps it made you more assertive, more determined to be heard?
Depending your self-esteem levels at that time, you either ignored the problem, or you came down hard on yourself for your lack of confidence, or you hated the others for their lack of kindness…but in any case, you lost energy!

The energy exchange is constant and so universal that you are barely conscious of it – until the time you clearly perceive your energy levels are drained or soaring.

Now, you’re aware there’s a source of universal energy to which any of us may have access; you no longer need to carry on applying your old domination and survival strategies.

If you leave behind this mechanism rooted in fear, and tap into this energy source, you will access a higher vibratory level. Control mechanisms, when they’re brought out into your consciousness, become powerful assets.

Follow the below advice to help yourself to break the habits originating in the ‘domination strategy’ that urges you subconsciously to suck the energy from others: 

-   Remain in the present moment; anchor yourself in the "here and now".

-   Be aware of your feelings and your choices.

-   Listen to what others have to say but have faith in your own final decision. Remind yourself you’re quite capable of hearing different opinions without feeling pressured and without taking a rigid, defensive stance which means you have to either win or lose.

-   Keep in touch with your emotions and express them as clearly as possible, in the knowledge that you’ll find out many more things if you’re open to events.

-   Stay in touch with your intuition and the personal motivations that drive you to act.

Irrational power struggles always happen when we’re losing energy because someone is manipulating our attention, forcing us to react to regain control of the situation.

To start to free yourself of the need to dominate and master situations, you need to learn to concentrate on your feelings when you start to feel a ‘block’ or anxiety. There’s no point analysing others or trying to change them, just ask yourself: What am I feeling right now? What is it that I need right now?

Once you’ve made contact with your most innermost feelings, you’ll find it easier to progress towards more appropriate behaviour (accepting disagreements, don’t seeing ‘winning’ as essential) and transfer your attention to connect with the universal.

As soon as you’ve understood this dynamic of battling to capture the energy of others, you’ll start to recover your own power. The balance will be re-established when you stop relying on other people for your source of energy and start looking within yourself, to connect to your guiding spirit.

 It’s very important to remember that from the moment you longer need to exert control over others to make things happen in your own life, your horizons will miraculously open up. Quite simply, pay attention to coincidences and the messages they bring, tap into the universal cosmic energy and let the universe guide you. The universe always works in your best interests and wants you to have everything you desire.

But the spirit of resistance and the urge to do battle are not necessarily ‘bad’, as sometimes they allow us to see that change is necessary and show us a more passionate way of life. Stop ‘calculating’ what you want, setting yourself goals and trying to impose your rigid ideas on the world, and learn instead to be more receptive to your intuition and act according to it.

Don’t give in to frustration if you get the feeling your progress is slow; tell yourself that all these ‘new ideas’ constitute a new world vision for you, and will take a little while to be assimilated into your belief system.

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