Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thoughts and the astral plane

Now I am going to reveal to you certain esoteric truths. That will make it easier for you to understand the mechanics of positive creative thought, and will help you to exploit the energy resources slumbering within you and only waiting for a "trigger" to hatch out.

From the esoteric point of view, the constitution of the human being comprises 7 bodies which correspond to 7 different planes of energy. Of course, you know and perceive the first one which is the densest: this is the physical body and the physical plane. It is the material world, discernible because we perceive it with the help of our five senses.

The second is the etheric body, linked to the etheric plane; it is an exact replica of the physical body, but vibrates at a higher frequency than it. The third, the vital body linked to the vital plane, is the source of the energy fluid that enables every living creature to be alive. The blood, the seat of vital energy and the vector of life-giving heat, is very associated with this plane.

The fourth, the astral body linked to the astral plane, constitutes the world of the emotions, "thought-forms" and spiritual entities. This plane is also the vector for "magic" operations.

 The fifth, the mental body linked to the mental plane, is the plane of the psyche, of ideas. Certain Great Initiates, who master this plane, no longer need to have recourse to Magic because they obtain the same results through the force of their psyche: they intervene directly on the four previous planes.

The sixth, the causal body linked to the causal plane, is the plane of the Laws of nature, the world of causes, the seat of the karma. Perceiving it makes total understanding of the Mysteries of the universe possible.

Finally the seventh, the divine body linked to the divine plane, is PURE SPIRIT.

Each of these planes coexists in the same place, at the same time; they simply correspond to a different vibratory level, a different energy frequency.

After these brief explanations, let’s get back to the nub of the matter, i.e. the astral plane on which any magic action depends.

First of all, you must realise that the material plane and the astral plane are interdependent, closely associated. The astral plane is composed of a fluid, a subtle and invisible vibratory substance, of the same nature as the spirit. That substance, associated with any material and human body, is
emitted each time we think.

Everything you see, everything you touch, is material. Animate matter (human beings, animals, plants) and inanimate matter (rocks, mountains, water, objects …) form the material world; it is accessible to our five senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste.

That matter is animated by vibrations. Here we are dealing with the fundamental Cosmic Law, which goes thus: "Matter vibrates under the effect of the energy available to it". The great physicist Einstein was the first person to demonstrate that scientifically.

Thought(the act of thinking, reflecting, being aware) in human beings is the sign of very special vibrations: these vibrations, this state of energy, constitute the spirit, the human being’s soul.

Every material body possesses a "spirit" which emits vibrations, "energy forms", outwardly. Where human beings are concerned they emit "thought-forms" that can transform or modify other material bodies (alchemy, for example) and influence situations of existence, depending on their energy potency.

That vibratory emission – involving energy, but subtle and invisible – therefore constitutes what is called the astral plane. One of the remarkable properties of the astral plane is that it forms an intermediate plane between thought and the material world: it is a "bridge" transmitting thought impulses and so allowing the concrete fulfilment of our wishes. The astral plane which laps around us and envelops us is truly the central engine of every achievement.

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