Friday, May 20, 2011

The principle of creative visualisation

-                 Once again put yourself into a situation of deep relaxation, as described above, then let your consciousness transport you into a calm and harmonious place where universal cosmic energy prevails.

-                 Then visualise or imagine that this energy is lifting your body and carrying you outside your house to above a green, flowery meadow, for example, or to any other place you like where you feel good, perfectly at ease.

-                 Now imagine a potency, around you and within you; it is a potency of love that guides you, that holds you by the hand; it is light and reassuring. That potency may initially manifest itself in any form: animal, vegetable, mineral, human, angelic. It is also possible that it may be colour, light, music, voices, etc. ...

-                 Even if you see or feel nothing, accept the idea of that presence just the same. Familiarise yourself with it, try even to imagine it as something ideal for you.

This is important, for it is this "presence" that you will appeal to later on when you use the Magic Formulas; it will be beneficial and protective, but also powerfully filled with energy.

But for the time being, at each session, concentrate so that you again find the same presence, give it the same "name" and attribute the same qualities to it, so that it insinuates itself into you in a beneficent, lasting way.

I advise you to be patient, indulgent with yourself. Don’t force your nature or what your intuition of the moment instructs you to do. For example, if you are upset or tired, put off this exercise until later.

The aim of these first two exercises is to prepare your "psychic body". Now I have to talk to you about your physical body; it is necessary to prepare it and purify it … and this also involves a little personal work.

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