Friday, May 13, 2011

The Fantastic Power of Alpha Waves

By measuring the wavelength of a person when they are in a relaxed state, scientists have noted that oscillations slow from an amplitude of 14-21 cycles per second, when the subject is conscious and active, to 7-14 cycles per second when the subject is conscious but resting.  It falls again to 4-7 cycles per second just before sleep and 1-4 cycles per second during sleep. These stages are known by the names: alpha, beta, and delta.
The alpha stage is a metaphysical state of deep relaxation which allows the mind to transcend time and space. This is the ideal mental condition for meditation, visualisation, self-suggestion and remote influence.
Leonardo de Vinci wasn’t only a great painter but also a great engineer and scientist.  When he found himself short on ideas, he would focus his gaze on a cup of ashes. This would allow him to enter a state of profound alpha relaxation.  In this state his mind would be inspired by the ideas he needed. These inspirations arose from his subconscious mind.
Profound Alpha Relaxation Technique
1)      In a quiet, comfortable place where you’re sure not to be disturbed, settle yourself down in a straight-backed chair (don’t cross your arms or legs)
2)      Close your eyes and tilt your head back slightly as if you were looking upwards. Take a few deep breaths and release any internal tension. Think to yourself: « If someone comes in, or if there’s an emergency, all I have to do is count from 1 to 5 and I will be fully awake, totally relaxed and feeling fine physically, mentally and spiritually. »
3)      Start by relaxing. Breathe gently and deeply. Imagine that when you breathe in you are inhaling all the vital elements contained in the air. When you breathe out, imagine you are ridding yourself of all the rotten elements. Think about how this respiration is purifying your body.  Repeat this exercise several times over at your own pace.
4)      Continue breathing slowly, calmly and regularly. Feel how this regular breathing calms you. You feel more and more relaxed. Now release the tension from each part of your body in turn.  Start with your toes. Feel them relax. Now concentrate on your ankles. Feel them soften. Relax your knees. Allow this marvellous feeling of tranquillity to overcome you.  Relax the pit of your stomach. Relax your hands, fingers and arms. Let yourself go completely. Relax your neck, your jaw, lips and cheeks. Relax your eyes, your forehead and your head. Feel how your whole body is becoming more and more relaxed. At the same time, feel the regular beat of your heart.
5)      Now that your body is totally relaxed, count slowly down from 5 to 1.  Think how, the close you get to 1, the more relaxed your mind is. Now breathe deeply and allow the feeling of calmness to circulate around your body.
6)      Now imagine yourself in a magnificent field of flowers. Go up to one of the flowers, smell its perfume, examine its texture, see its colours. Observe and appreciate every detail of the flower.
7)      Lie down on the grass next to a small tree and imagine that you are falling asleep.
8)      Imagine just for a few moments that you can transport yourself anywhere in the world, as if you were Superman, for whom the planet is a small place.
9)      Come out of your dream gradually and finish the exercise by telling yourself that on the count of five you will be incredibly well, physically, mentally and spiritually.  « One, two, three, four, five. »
10)   Stay comfortably relaxed for a few minutes more, then stretch and enjoy the benefits of this exercise.
(When you’ve got used to this technique, you can do the exercise lying down or sitting, whichever you prefer.)
Repeat the exercise for 20 minutes every day, morning and evening, for 10 days running, before moving on to the Alpha State Creative Visualisation technique.

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