Friday, May 6, 2011


Magic is simply the use of the laws of Nature and the Cosmos which govern the forces linking us to the Universal Mind.

Unlike science as we see it at the moment, which is merely concerned with understanding and using the principles relating to material and physical phenomena, magic offers a much wider field of investigation.

It includes all the planes of “Manifestation” because it recognises the invisible world in which the roots of any creation are embedded. Magic can be practised in two different ways, but they both have the same objective.
Which is to connect with the enlightening Powers of the great Universal Mind, i.e. the Infinite Intelligence that created the Universe, know to believers as God.
I would like to make an important digression on this subject.
I am anxious to make it clear that I am not imposing anything on anyone, not the word “God”, nor any particular religion. First and foremost, you need to determine what God means to you.
One thing is certain: all religions, whichever they may be, and all Ancient Lores, make reference to a “superior”, “supernatural” “something”.
A growing number of scientists also recognise the existence of a Higher Intelligence and say that the more research they do, the more they are starting to believe in the existence of this superior power (whereas at the start of their career, everything had encouraged them to dismiss this idea).
It doesn’t really matter what you call it. But it is important for you to give this Superior Intelligence the definition or designation you prefer – a name you are comfortable with and that you can believe in, like: “Infinite Forces of the Universe”, “Universal Intelligence”, “Cosmic Forces”, “God”, etc.
This is very important, because it will determine your belief (your faith) and therefore the conviction with which you are going to ask the Universal Intelligence for blessings.
Using the powers of the mind, and with the help of magic practices, the Human Being has the ability to connect with this Supernatural Force. He can even take advantage of this to ask for his wishes to be fulfilled.
It’s important to realise that in life, and in the Universe, there’s no such thing as chance. Everything is a matter of cause and effect. When you do something, you vibrationally trigger the logical consequence of your action, which ripples back to you like a response. 

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