Monday, May 9, 2011

ESP (Extra Sensory Perception)

Do you already have premonitions or dreams that come true in the real world?
Do you have friends who are known for their ability to dream about events that actually happen?
Have you ever been thinking about someone, only to see that person coming towards you?
Do you often receive letters from people when you have been thinking about them more than usual?
When you visit friends, do they sometimes say: « we were just talking about you » ?
When you’ve been thinking about a difficult situation for a long time, are you sometimes surprised to hear someone voicing your hopes or fears, using exactly the same words that have been going through your head?
If you are away from someone very dear to you for a short while and something happens to them, do you sense something is up? Do you see blurred, or perhaps even clear, images, like a film playing in your head? Or perhaps do you have a sudden feeling of unease that makes you think « what’s about to happen? »
All these feelings that come out of nowhere are actually manifestations of TELEPATHY, or in other words, spontaneous communication between minds. HYPNOTIC INDUCTION is another similar phenomenon, the most significant difference being that it may be called upon at will.
Sometimes the things we feel are not transmitted by another human mind. A lawyer once had a dream about a rare work of art. The next day he found this same work of art on display in the window of an antique shop that he had never been to before, in a neighbourhood he had never set foot in.
Many psychics claim that they receive a clear message about the results of their investigations even before they have used a pendulum or rod.  Sometimes the focus of the investigation is not a human being but rather a source, a stolen car, a state of health or an affinity between a land and a culture. In such a case, there is still communication, but it is between the mind of the medium and material elements.
This idea brings us back to the idea of the universal soul, the omnipresent spirit, although there can be no certainty of any sort of spiritual intervention, and no way of being sure that this spirit is connected to the human mind.
All this is pure supposition, and whatever the final explanation, the phenomenon will always remain something of a mystery, as much of a mystery as the sudden awareness of the presence of something that cannot usually be perceived.
If hypnotism or suggestion are practiced remotely, they bring about psychic manifestations between the agent and the subject.

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