Sunday, May 15, 2011

How to Discover and Use the Art of Recall and Visualisation

We know everything there is to know about lemons. Now try to call up in your mind the form of a lemon, it’s colour and its scent. Evoke its taste and its acidity. Now imagine yourself in the process of eating a slice of lemon and relive the sensations you are feeling. The memory of the taste of the lemon will make your mouth water. Now you see how an image brought to mind in every character detail can trigger a physical reaction through the reflexes linked to taste.
When you create a mental image you use all your five senses.  The more sensorial perception involved in the construction of the image, the clear and more long-lasting the visualisation will be. 
For example, when you visualise someone you know well, call to mind the perfume they wear, or the aroma of the place where they work.  You will soon start to appreciate the active role the sense of smell plays in the memory process.
This simple little exercises shouldn’t stop there! Over the coming days, pay very special attention to everything and really look at the things around you. Stop and look around for a minute in front of an advertisement or cinema poster. Examine it in detail, and when you get home in the evening, lie down on your bed or curl up in a chair and recall the advert.
The first time you try this, you’ll find you have « forgotten » much of the detail.  You can do the same exercise with a postcard. The advantage with a postcard is that you can check how many details you remembered immediately. It’s absolutely crucial that you make a conscious effort when you practice these exercises.  The more you practice the better your mind will get at remembering things it has assimilated completely.
Many people say « I never remember anything ».  This isn’t true. They just haven’t developed the skill of remembering. They don’t know how to recall facts imprinted on their subconscious, the seat of the human memory, to their conscious mind.
You must learn to unlock the potential of your subconscious mind. The only logical way of doing this is to exercise this faculty several times a day. You’ll find plenty of everyday examples to inspire you!
In India, Tibet and many schools of wisdom, disciplines are taught the art of visualisation. There are many methods on offer, the simplest and most effective of which is the MENTAL SCREEN method.

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