Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A prayer for the finding of an employment...

Recite this prayer with conviction every night, for as long as a total lunar cycle, starting with the first day after the black Moon. Sundays is should be said three times.

"Oh Adonai, Elohim, Elohim, I give you grace for your goodness. I put hope and faith in you. I have never been disappointed by you. I beg you, Oh Eternity, I ask you, for all those who suffer, those who lack food and drink, those who are sick and in pain, please Lord, sooth their sufferings. In Your infinite kindness, please look down at your servant who is praying You.  I have no work, dear Lord, what could I offer You, I who have nothing. I have nothing but this prayer. Nevertheless I come to You, living Christ, who said, "Look at the small birds, they do not reap but they do get what they need anyway, our Father provides". This is why, oh Lord, it is with my heart filled with confidence that I approach You and tell You my problem. I call out to the unique life that is within us all. I unify with the life force, the expansion, in which I find the solution to my issue. May the great One guide me to health, happiness and prosperity. Amen".

Then recite one Our Father and a passage of your own choice of Saint Johns Gospel.

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