Sunday, June 29, 2014

Pass the incense burner again seven times...

around the red candle, and around the left white candle, representing your beloved.

Then put it back down in the middle of the circle.

Now, hold your hands, forming a circle, around the right candle, the one representing yourself, and repeat the following:

"I consecrate thee, thou who is in my image and my name...(say your full name) and who represent my in this action.
I consecrate thee who is in my image and my scent.
I consecrate thee, thou who is in my image and who will help me in this endeavour, to bring back love to me.
I consecrate thee, thou who is in my image, whom I re enforce with magnetism, so that my beloved comes back to me.
By the virtue of the holy angels Gabriel, Samael, Mikael, Zachiel, Anael, Cassiel, Raphael, here by me present.

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