Sunday, June 1, 2014

Love Charm

Now recite the love charm, the one that will be transmitted to your beloved by the two invoked angles:

"I invoke you, infinitely powerful and beloved angels, by the holy name of The Eternal Almighty, who created man in his image and also the woman so that she could attach to him, making one unique being.

Make that the divine wisdom that inhabits me, shows me the solutions and means to achieve a complete fulfilment.

Guide me to your inner richness and fullness so that it will reveal to me, all the best new possibilities for me to go forward.

You, my divine guide, source of life, who presides at the VI day, which is consecrated to Venus, I invoke you, holy angel Anael, so that my solitude will be forever gone and my life will be illuminated by the stars of the splendid encounters that are ahead of me.

I invoke you...(name of your angel),
I invoke you...(the angel of the one you want to attract), so that both of you unite, helping me (your first and last name) unite too, with the one I love (first and last name of your loved one) on the divine plane.

May the union of both our angels help us reunite during this lifetime, bring us together, by the miracles of the almighty divine power, heavenly as well as earthly." 

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