Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Suggestion technique...

* This session of self-hypnosis should begin with the fixing of your attention upon the flame of a candle or of a fire. Some relaxing music in the back grown could help you relax too.

* While concentrating on the flames, breathe slowly and deeply for a few minutes, while doing abdominal breathing : gently inflate the abdomen then only the thorax, hold the air two or three seconds and exhale. Let go of the air from within the chest first, then the abdomen. Wait two or three seconds and then repeat the operation.

* Focus on the flame and on your breathing to clear your mind of the negative thoughts that normally occupy it.

* Once you feel pleasantly relaxed , with an empty mind , you can begin the hypnotic suggestions. It should be said in present indicative form and in affirmative sentences, slowly with a soft and calm voice, or even within your head, for example: " My eyelids are becoming heavier "," My eyes are closing "," I feel pleasantly relaxed  ".

To be continued tomorrow...

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