Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Intuition and Premonition exercise...

* Sit comfortably in a quiet and not too brightly lit, room. Practice a few abdominal breaths to put you in a calm and receptive state of mind.

* Pay attention to the area between your eyes, the so-called third eye which is the seat of your intuitive perceptions.

* Imagine that this place starts to shine, a bright and clear light, lightening up when you inhale and softens when you exhale. Practice three soft and deep breaths.

* Then again with your imagination, bring the light of your third eye up to the crown of your head, where awakens the consciousness of your higher self.

* At the same time, imagine that the third eye and the crown chakra are connected by a energy thread of bright light.

* Focus on the light at the top of your head during the time of three deep breaths and during which a warmth in your head is spreading.

* Then take the light down to your throat, the seat for premonition, your ability to contact the invisible.

* Imagine that a glittering thread is connecting the top of your head with your throat.

* Practice again three breaths that enliven the light at your throat.

* Finally, bring down the light from your throat to your heart, connecting these two centres by a bright thread of energy.

* Once the light in place, practice three deep and calm breaths making your heart sparkle. The energy is intensifying at each inspiration.

Finally, draw the light from your heart back to your third eye, creating a closed circuit of glistening wire.

* Then make three profound breaths, enlivening all four of your energy centres.

Throughout the exercise, keep in mind that the visualization and breathing stimulates your higher faculties, associated with these four centres.

Once your circuit accurately activated, still very relaxed, expand your awareness and pay attention to the outside world, with your ears, with your heart and mind. Do you feel a presence? Do you feel a tingling? Do you see a colour or perceive a particular noise? ... Be attentive to your sensations, and when you have finished the experiment, take a few minutes to note what you felt, heard or saw in a book for this purpose.

Once you have done this exercise several times, you are ready to question your guide and feel the responses. Your everyday perceptions will also be amplified.

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