Saturday, November 2, 2013

Empathy and telepathy

Empathy, the ability to put yourself in the fellow human shoes, being able to perceive other peoples world, without forgetting your own identity in the process. It is a gift that facilitates personal and social relationships. It is the prerogative of those who know how to combine imagination and generosity. Unfortunately, empathy is no longer taught in a world that has become individualistic and self-centred to the extreme.

In some circumstances, it could develop and become telepathy, ie the ability to communicate from mind to mind with another person. There are natural telepathic people but it is a rare gift that is not given to just anybody out there. However, there are techniques able to allow rapid progress towards Mastery .

By cultivating your empathic powers, and even telepathic powers, you also open the door for channelling, and therefore be able to access a level of perfect communication with your spiritual guide. You'll learn to overcome time and space and meet the universal. Soon I will give you an exercise for that endeavour.

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