Monday, December 30, 2013

Continuing on automatic writing

* Start with simple questions such as : " Are you really ___ ? " (name of your guide or the invoked spirit) , " How can you help me? " " Can you show me what you look like? " (if you see an image, which is rare in the beginning, you can try to draw it in your notebook ), " Is there anything you need to tell me now ? "," Do you have a message for me? " .

* Always put down what comes to mind without fear or restriction, even if your thoughts seem irrational. At this stage, you are trying to create the channel between the spirit and yourself .

* After some time but rarely the first few times, you can feel a difference in the rhythm of your writing, and suddenly start to transcribe words which you didn't think of at all. When you go from inspired writing over to automatic writing, your hand will probably first start to draw symbols and incomprehensible signs during a certain time. Then it will seem as though your hand becomes autonomous. It is also possible that you " log off " and while opening your eyes, you see that you have written whole pages without having noticed.

* Do not forget to date your messages, because it is hight possible that you will receive significant warnings about your future or that of your family, events that will thus be more easy to control or avoid.

With time, you will realize that your writings become more numerous and that they reflect a personality that is not yours.

At the beginning, stop you writing session at the end of the preplanned time, then thank your guide and close your notebook. When you are more experienced, the sessions will no doubt last longer. If you are tired after a session, wash your hands under the tap,have a drink and a bite to eat. And do not forget: as for all methods of channelling, the key to your success is half patience and half persistence.

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