Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Akashic records 2

The Akashic records is a "place" in the ether, though some authors even say they are inside of ourselves - in which are kept the memories of every living being in the universe. Each entity has its record about its past and future lives. Some spirits have the responsibility for ensuring this huge library, they are the guardians, and they advise disembodied souls who are in search for their personal records, so they can make the choice of a new life.

After their death, spirits go there for there to consult their past lives, to count their errors and their merits, their good or bad karma and to discover what their future life will be. Based on this study and the conditions of their next incarnation - family , location, age, tests to overcome - they preparing themselves to correct their mistakes and improve. Spirit guides can help them understand and accept this new scheme, and admit their past wrongdoings .

Some people can get there during their lifetime. This was the case for, for example, Edgar Cayce and Aron Abrahamsen , because their motivation was fair and totally disinterested. Your guide can also consult your records if you make the request through the intermediary of your "dream box" . Finally, we'll discover later on, that it is also possible to access the records by the means of Out of Body Experience.

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