Thursday, December 26, 2013


The information provided through this channel, comes in the form of mental images. They may resemble two-dimensional images, holograms, or three-dimensional animated sequences like movies. They show either concrete objects or abstract drawings, symbols, characters, or even energy diagrams... The images are immediately very clear and eloquent, or they could sometimes require the interpretation of the person who received them.

Sometimes they appear during the awakened state. For example: a very upset colleague tells you he is late because he lost his car key and had to catch the underground to come to work. As he tells you this you immediately see in your minds eye, the image of his key under his bed. You tell him, he calls his wife who actually finds it under the bed. Or another example, you take your car to go shopping, and while driving, you see exactly where you intend to park, and once there, it is free, as if was waiting for you!

The most famous clairvoyant yet today is the American Edgar Cayce ( 1877-1945 ). This simple and good man, without any special gift by his own admission, entered naturally a state of hypnosis and received extrasensory messages specifying the diagnostic and the treatment for his clients ailments. These "readings" as he called them, have allowed him to save hundreds of lives. They also permitted the spreading of many messages that have restored confidence and joy to people who was going through difficult times, and are still, today, real messages of hope for us all.

Edgar Cayce believed that clairvoyance developed only in channels had altruistic goals, acting with pure generosity, without the need for recognition. It seems to me that it is a constant that characterizes all kinds of extrasensory communication : we never get convincing results when acting only for our own satisfaction and enrichment... otherwise, all channels would be rich and famous !

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