Saturday, December 28, 2013

Automatic writing

This way of channelling is very interesting, because it leaves concrete evidence in the form of written sentences, written by your hand but not necessarily with your handwriting. In general, the person receiving the massage is awake during the communication, but without any control concerning what is written. One have the sensation, that ones arm is guided by someone else.

In fact, the motion occurs unconsciously and automatically. The mind of the channel could remain totally clear and active, or it could be in a state of trance and not remember anything.

Automatic writing has been known for a very long time. It often manifests after the loss of a loved one. The person whom is mourning, one day, discovers that he/she wrote a few words with the handwriting of the deceased. It is often a messages of consolation or a request for prayers.It could be a unique experience or continue for years.

Automatic writing could also be a choice as a means for channelling, to communicate with the other realms. It then allows your guide, your guardian angel, an entity, or even someone recently deceased, to use your hand to write a message, useful for your evolution or as an answer to your questions. Many people appreciate this method, that can be used without a special talent for writing.

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