Tuesday, July 2, 2013

• July Pentacle:

 this pentacle will help you channel your energies towards achieving a specific goal. It is made for you and you alone, nobody else should use it. To make your pentacle you’ll need: a piece of white card measuring 10 x 10 cm, an ink pen and red ink and a red candle. Light the candle and say: « With this flame I light up my soul in the light of the Sun; Ray of truth, ray of knowledge, ray of nature, be with me in my endeavours, in my mind and my being. May the triple candle of grace light up my soul and protect me from problems and jealousies. May the strength of the light drive my work and charge my July pentacle, so it may have the power to make my dreams come true. May it be so» Draw the pentacle in one line without stopping: draw the first circle then the second, then the central square. Drawn the drawing in the middle, then add the signs and symbols as shown in the picture. Finish your pentacle by writing in the magical names. Press your hands on it and speak this blessing: « O all-powerful Adonaï, He is very powerful, Agia very holy, Aleph and the Tau, the beginning and the end; with great humility I beg and entreat you, Holy Majesty, that this July Pentacle may be blessed by Your Power and prepared to receive virtue and the strength to bring renewed justice.In Your Name, O most saintly Adonaï, whose kingdom, empire and authority will survive all tests of time and last into infinity. » Then sign it on the back and write the words « Help Me » below your signature.  Keep it on you throughout the month. At the end of the month, burn it in the flame of a red candle.

Your Guardian Angels in July:

These energies will protect all who work for the good of others.
July 2 to 6: NELAKAEL
These energies will protect artists and scientists.
July 7 to 11: YEYAYEL
These energies will favour the success of companies and protect against accidents at sea.
July 12 to 16: MELAHEL
These energies will make the power of any medicine greater.
July 17 to 22: HAHOUYAH
These energies protect wild animals and those on the wrong path.
July 23 to 27: NETAHIAH
These energies amplify dreams.
July 28 to 31: HAIAYAH
These energies inspire dreamers.

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