Monday, June 25, 2012

Third exercise

   The aim of visualisation is not to create mental images for the fun of  it, but to help you change the course of your life. When you begin to work on achieving your various plans, dreams and objectives, you will not be using fixed images. By this I  mean that realising your plans requires a technique which is closer to cinema, where you will be required to create moving images.

   To make your future experiments easier, you are now going to learn how to bring the subject of your visualisation to life, beginning with a simple image. To do this, take a sheet of paper and draw a simplified image of a bird in flight, seen from the front with its wigs outstretched.

   Begin by staring at the drawing and concentrating your gaze on the head, between the two wings, and then blinking both eyes rapidly at the same time. After doing this several times, stop for a few seconds and then do the following exercise. Close one eye and keep the other open, and then reverse the procedure. Keep repeating the exercise, rapidly alternating the eye you close and the eye you keep open and so on. Then, without any form of transition, close both your eyes and see your bird in flight. If necessary, keeping your eyes closed, blink both eyelids at the same time to accentuate the impression of flight in your mental image …

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