Sunday, June 24, 2012

Second exercise in visualisation

    During these first exercises you have learned to create a mental image, in other words to visualise. As soon as you want to, you can pass to the next stage: creating the mental image of a black circle. Once you have captured this image, use your will to maintain it.  
   If necessary, use the pressure technique described above, maintaining the pressure of your index finger for around thirty seconds.

   Now that your black circle is stable, you are going to try and change its colour. Think hard about the colour purple. Repeat the word “purple” several times (you can murmur it or say it aloud). The important thing is that you say it with conviction: it must come from deep within you.

   Make yourself see your black circle becoming gradually lighter, transforming its colour to purple by using your will. This is easy for you because your circle doesn’t have a will of its own, it can’t fight your determination! It can only do what you want; it is what you want it to be and nothing else!

   Once its colour has changed, continue to work on this purple circle by making it change to other colours. Begin by making it change to blue, then green, yellow, orange and finally red.

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