Monday, June 18, 2012

First exercise

   Take a sheet of cardboard and draw a black dot in the centre. The size of the dot doesn’t matter, the main thing is that you can see it clearly.

   Then sit in a comfortable position, place the cardboard in front of you and look at the black dot. For a minute or so, just look at it without making any kind of effort. Let your gaze rest on the black surface of the dot. Don’t think about anything. If a thought comes into your mind, don’t "fight" it, let it drift away and dissipate.

   Now, look at the black dot but focus on its centre, as if you wanted to see what it contained. Try not to blink. Do this for two minutes.

   Now you are perfectly acquainted with the black dot. If asked to, you would have no difficulty in drawing it. Put the cardboard to one side and close your eyes. Try to see the dot in your mind’s eye. All you have to do is reconstruct the image as you have just seen it. In only a few seconds you will have the impression that the black dot is floating in your head and becomes fixed in the region of your forehead. Once you have obtained this image, you can end the exercise.

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