Monday, March 26, 2012

Pacal Votan, the magician of time

In the 1950, scientific archaeological researches on this civilization made a great discovery. In November 1952, a funeral crypt was discovered inside the pyramid called « Temple of Inscriptions » of Palenque, in Mexico. It contained Pacal Votan' mummy, a great priest and Mayan king.

Know also as The Magician of Time, Pacal Votan reigned during 52 years on Nah Chan (currently called Palenque), from the year 435 to the year 830 of our era. He was the guide of the Mayan mission, which goal was to carve into stone,  the astronomical and mathematical knowledge, about time,for future generations.

He left this following message for humanity :

- « Everything is numbers. God is a number.God is everything »

- The living beings are intimately connected.

- Humanity is constantly « informed » of its future by the celestial bodies gravitating in our Galaxy.

- All lifeforms are arranged following  basically the same recurrent models .
He also specifies that « obscurity gives birth to light » : instruct the cycles of Time, Pacal Votan knew that mankind would ultimately forget the fundamental connections he had to nature and to the divine cosmic world. The unconsciousness has been a part of the evolution of humanity, the only way to make it possible for it to « wake up » returning to consciousness by free will. The connection to nature and the divine had to be cut off to be able to discover its true value : mankind went into the illusion to discover truth.

1 comment:

  1. Can you tell me what the secret ancestral traditions are please.
