Friday, March 16, 2012

The Calendar of Magic Hours

Each day of the week is influenced by a particular planet. On this day, the issues influenced by the planet can be resolved much more easily than on any other day of the week.
This means that if you act at the right moment, you will obtain the desired result.

If you take account of these facts, you will be able to go to the limit of your psychological resources; and remember the inner possibilities of an individual are virtually unlimited.

First of all, here are the planetary influences in relation to the days of the week.

Governed by the Moon, which governs imagination, fantasy, dreams, the home, family, woman-mother, public relations, obsessions, the stomach, the digestion.
Consequently, you should use this Day to deal with things related to the above areas.
Examples: If you want someone to change the way they are, their thoughts, their feelings, you should choose a Monday (and the hour of the Moon if possible), to explain why you feel there is a need for such a change.
This is also the time to decorate your home, take care of family relations, consult a stomach specialist, read poetry, etc.

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