Monday, February 6, 2012

The Tantric Dance

You can use this technique to arouse your energy, especially sexual energy. It will heighten your awareness of the fact that this energy is primarily yours, that it exists deep within you and is simply waiting to be fully aroused for you greater wellbeing.
You will enjoy all its benefits by performing this dance it regularly for 10 to 15 minutes a day.
·          Adopt a sitting position and close your eyes. Breathe slowly and deeply until you feel completely relaxed. Be aware of your abdomen and chest rising and falling regularly.
·          Begin to rock forwards and backwards for a few moments.
·          Now move from left to right, then move your body in a circular clockwise movement, as if you were using your body to draw circles in the air.
·          Leaning on your hands placed on either side of your body, gently bounce your buttocks on the floor a dozen or so times to relax the physical area that corresponds to the Svadhisthana Chakra. As you do this, concentrate on this area and remain conscious of it.
·        Then stand up and dance to erotic music (choose instrumental music, if possible), moving your pelvis backwards and forwards.
Continue to dance for 5 minutes and then finish by lying flat on you back and relaxing completely. Thank the Universe and your energy for this dance.

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