Friday, February 10, 2012

Hygiene and Health

The Source of all things is the Cosmic Energy that fills the Universe.
This energy is known as "CHI” (Life Essence).
Our basic constitution as an individual is determined by the "chi” that we receive at the moment of our conception and which depends on the age and health of our parents, and the circumstances of our birth.

This prenatal "chi”, stored in the area of the kidneys, cannot be increased.
But, whereas a life distorted by all kinds of abuse can diminish it, a healthy life can preserve it.

However, there is also a post-natal "chi” that consitutes a constant input of Cosmic Energy. This is the "chi” that we receive from the Earth via the food we eat and from Heaven via the air we breathe.

This "chi” can be increased by an art of living based on principles of everyday hygiene.

If you observe these natural principles, you will find it easy to stay fit and healthy.
By applying them regularly and assiduously, you will soon recover a full and  satisfying vitality:

·          Get up early, about 7 am, and if possible at sunrise in spring and summer. Drink a glass of cold or tepid mineral water before you eat.

·          Breathing: it is an excellent idea to do a few breathing exercises every day

·         Diet: this should be healthy and balanced. Seek to achieve moderation and maintain a balance between the 5 flavours: sweet, savoury, bitter, acid and spicy. You don’t have to follow a vegetarian or macrobiotic diet, but eat as little meat and fish as possible (no more than twice a week) and replace it with cereals and vegetables.
Uncooked-food diets purify the organism, but cannot be followed for too long. One third of your food can be uncooked. Do not exceed this proportion except in very hot weather.
Avoid ice-cream and iced foods and drinks which upset the spleen and stomach.
Avoid very fatty foods and particularly cooked fats, i.e. fried food.
Reduce your intake of dairy products (milk, yoghurt, cheese), especially if you are prone to colds, allergies or respiratory complaints.

·          Stress management and relaxation: Relax for 10 to 15 minutes before lunch and the evening meal, if possible by lying down comfortaby, in silence, with your eyes closed, breathing gently and peacefully.

·          Stimulants and drugs: coffee, tea, tobacco and alcohol (to name but a few) are the  drugs that "help” us to confront everyday stress, but they are all harmful.
They are all harmfull to the energy of the kidneys, especially coffee, while alcohol affects the liver and tobacco affects the lungs.

It would obviously be better to give up drinking and smoking altogether, but since the guiding principle is moderation, don’t give up immediately.
Instead, try to reduce your consumption. Be aware of your body and its needsand don’t impose a regime that would cause your body to react too strongly. However, remember that excessive consumption of these products pollutes your vital energy, which diminishes the prenatal "chi” and blocks the circulation of the post-natal “chi”.

·          Protecting your body: it is essential to protect your body against the adverse effects of wind, cold, wet and heat, factors that contribute to or cause illness. It is particularly important that the neck, shoulders and lumbar region are protected from cold. Knees and ankles are also vulnerable, depending on the individual. These are the areas from which considerable amounts of energy are lost.

·          Physical exercise: this is essential; all physical exercise is beneficial per se, and more so if you want to increase your "chi”.

·          Go to be early: the most beneficial sleep is between 10.00 pm and midnight. Before you go to bed, bathe your feet in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes. Sleep – preferably with your window open – with your head pointing to the North, and always go to sleep on your right side.

·          Prayer: this is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle!
What is prayer? In this instance it is not a question of religious beliefs but of using the Magic associated with Cosmic Energy.
In fact, you pray each time you feel, and give yourself up to, a spontaneous and heartfelt response towards life, either consciously or inconsciously.
The more you consciously give yourself up to this surge of love, the more freely you will be able to access the amazing reserve of energy contained in the Cosmic Power that gives life to all living beings.
Take every opportunity to pray; i.e. to express your joy and gratitude for the  divinity that is within you.
By praying, you continually replace negative thoughts by constructive, harmonious thoughts. In this way, not only are all your errors and "faults” completely forgiven, but you also improve your health and vitality.

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